Whale Rider, Big Citrus

It looks like I caught a little bit of a cold, probably from Kuniko who caught one a couple of days ago. I’m feeling OK still, but I could tell my condition was getting worse as the day went on.

Back at school I had three classes – two first year classes and one third year class. The third year students were pretty worn out from the weekend, and weren’t really up for speaking much English. My first year students were full of energy, and it was fun to teach and goof around with them.

Lots of people commented on my haircut – I got it trimmed up on Saturday. The barber got a little carried away, and it seemed pretty drastic to everyone. Overall the reviews were positive, though.

Kuniko and I finished off the lasagna tonight, and we also cracked the giant citrus and ate a small portion of it. Full of vitamin C. It was like a sweet grapefruit – it tasted really good. For some reason it reminded me of a pomegranate… the mouthfeel reminded me of pomegranate seeds.

and afterwards we went on a wild goose chase trying to rent “Whale Rider” to show her students. They are getting ready to go to New Zealand in a few months, and that’s a good movie to give them a little insight into Maori culture. Unfortunately nobody had it, and Kuniko had to go looking for it all the way over in Futami.

The crazy thing is that we have the DVD here at home. It is an American DVD, so it won’t play in Japanese players. I’ve chalked it all up to a conspiracy on the part of the Motion Picture Association of America. The prices of DVDs here are so high, and people are stuck paying the prices because they can’t play other region DVDs. I offered to loan Kuniko the region-free DVD player to use at her school, but it’s a little bulky to lug all the way there.

I’d like to write more but I’m tired out. I need to remember to write a little bit about Zelda on the Wii sometime.

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