Job Search, Good Grades

The week is coming to an end, and I feel like I didn’t get anything done. I took care of lots of stuff that has been on the back burner for a while… setting up a backup system for my computer files, working on a new website, stuff like that.

Tonight after work I’m going to meet Kuniko at her parents’ house for dinner in kind of a mini-birthday celebration. It has been a while since I’ve been over to visit so I’m looking forward to seeing everyone.

Despite some serious searching this week I don’t have a job lined up yet for April. My current job just kind of fell into my lap from out of the blue, and I don’t yet have the degree to go for the kind of job I really want, so I’m in this kind of weird middle ground where I have to find something just to get by. I’ve done jobs like this before (like at Barnes & Noble in San Diego) but it is hard to get motivated when you know you’ll be gone soon. Hopefully something will show up on the radar soon.

I got the results back from one of my classes the other day – Language Testing, and I kicked ass. I ended up with about a 90% for the class, which was a big jump up in score from last term. Haven’t heard yet on the other class.

This weekend I have a seminar in Osaka in the evening, and Sunday Kuniko and I are going out for brunch and then a movie. That’s about it for the update. More later…

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