Because of the schedule wrapping up for the first six month English course at work, I have ended up with some half days off here and there over the next three to four weeks. This means that I can have a leisurely morning here at home, drinking coffee, making a big breakfast, and taking care of errands that normally would have to wait for the weekend. Now I’m eating a fried egg sandwich – something I haven’t had in probably a year or so. Life is good. It will be interesting to see how my classes go in the afternoon – and if my students notice a difference.
Last night Kuniko got home late, so I cooked an easy Chinese food dish (katayakisoba) and we sat around catching up on each others’ day and talking about the rest of the week. She has been working on the schedule for next year at school, and so she has a tiny bit of control over when she will teach classes. It sounds like every other Saturday she will have lots of classes, and in compensation she will get Tuesday afternoon off. That sounded like good news to me, since mainly she is working now from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. six days a week. Any reduction in that schedule would be a good thing.
OK, I’m off to do some chores around the house!