It Ain’t Gonna Work Out This Year

I’ve spent the last couple of weeks playing phone tag with the Denya master. Starting with a phone call from him while we were traveling in Germany and finally ending yesterday with an evening phone call. He has been trying to work out how to arrange my attendance at the Futami matsuri. Usually I join wearing a normal happi that I borrow from somebody, but this time the master and another guy wanted me to join a special ceremony and perform some sacred ritual.

I was a bit ambivalent about it, because every time I go to the matsuri it is more about drinking and fighting and lifting dangerously heavy objects, and less about celebration. Also, my schedule for that day is double booked, so it was going to be tough anyway. And finally, now that I (permanently) live in Okubo, and being a property owner I think maybe I should go and check out the local matsuri here.

So after playing phone tag forever, we finally chatted last night and worked out that the special sacred ritual role isn’t for me, and I’ll try to drop by during the day just to watch. That will free me up for another event that I’ll attend that evening, so I guess it works out. I just hope that the master didn’t get in trouble with the matsuri organizers for the last minute change.

Last night Kuniko and I polished off the lasagna leftovers from the other night, and maybe tonight we’ll kill off the last stragglers of the feast. Then it is back to healthy dinners for us the rest of the week. After last weekend I have some weight to lose – it was pretty high on calories.

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