A Long Time Since Takedao

I’m starting to put together some plans for the upcoming nine days off in a row – but still nothing dramatic or exciting.  One is to go hiking with Yoshi near the end of the week.  We’re going out to Takedao to hike the abandoned railroad.  Yoshi said he hasn’t done the hike since he was five years old, so it’ll be kind of a flashback to his childhood.  Kuniko has never done the hike, so it’ll be an all-new experience.  It has been about three years since I’ve done it, and it is a great hike.  We’ll follow the river through the countryside along an old railway, through long, dark tunnels until we get to the end.  It’s about a half-day hike – and there is a lot of bang-for-the-buck.

Other than the hike, there is not a lot on my schedule.  I’m sure as we get closer to the weekend I’ll have some more events, though.

Tonight the plan is to work on some of the spices and foods that we brought back from India.  I’ve got some ideas on what to cook, but I’m not sure exactly how it will turn out.  It’ll be my first time making dosas, but the other dishes I’ve had some experience with.  Can’t wait!

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