Size Matters

Last night during my short shopping trip in Sannomiya I stopped in at the new Burger King, and ordered a double Whopper with cheese.  That was a big burger.  Nearly as big as the ones we make at our house.  While the size isn’t necessarily the most important thing I look for in a burger, I think this point alone may be enough for them to be successful in Japan.  McDonald’s has the cheap burger, MOS Burger has the “premium/expensive” burger, and Burger King has the giant burger.  We’ll see if they do well in Kobe – the location has been bad luck for some other fast food favorites of mine, including Subway.

My shopping trip was very successful.  I even made a stop in my favorite Chinatown back alley shop to get a mysterious bottle of Taiwanese rice vinegar.  Can’t wait to try cooking with it.  By the time I got home I pretty much loaded to capacity, so hopefully I burned off the calories of that Whopper walking around and lifting heavy things.

Tonight my department’s year end party is being held in Sannomiya.  If it is anything like the welcome party back in April it should be a pretty lively one.  I’ll have to keep my wits about me – tomorrow we’ve got to get the house ready for yet another holiday party.  Busy busy…

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