Books: Furies of Calderon by Jim Butcher

I had heard good things about this book but I ended up disappointed with it. I almost gave up near the middle of the book, but there were just enough threads worth following that I managed to finish it.

The idea of the world and how each person had the ability to control a “fury” (a sort of elemental spirit) – that was interesting. They didn’t really delve into this relationship between the humans and their furies – how does it work? What are the limitations?

Instead of explaining the rules and relationship, we have people using their furies on each other like a Pokémon battle. The writing doesn’t really draw us into the world – things happening seem like the solutions to a developing plot rather than a product of one.

The story was predictable – and even without reading the next five books in the series I can guess where it is going.

This series might be better for a teen audience except for the occasional scenes of cannibalism and rape. Some of the goofy lines felt like they came right out of Scooby Doo – yikes!

Next I am reading Lonesome Dove (again) by Larry McMurtry.

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