Books: The Searcher by Tana French

Fresh from reading a traditional private eye mystery from Robert Crais, this book was the same genre but a completely different style. It moved in a slow, deliberate way that sort of mimicked the setting – the Irish countryside far from the big city of Dublin.

Because of the unique setting and storytelling style, I had no real expectations and without knowing anything about the plot beforehand I was totally unaware of how things might unfold. I’m glad I approached the novel that way – it made it more fun to read.

The story was a little predictable, especially the twists, and the main character was supposed to be a retired American cop living in Ireland but for me I didn’t buy it. He seemed a little too Irish and blended in a little too easily. This isn’t a book about moving to a new country and starting over, but the author could have added a little more to the culture shock side of things to make it more realistic.

So, I enjoyed the book for the novelty of the format, and learned a few Irish English words. Not a bad mystery but not a great one.

Next I am reading Red River Seven by A,J. Ryan.

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