Books: Where You Come From by Saša Stanisic

One of the better non-fiction books I’ve read so far this year. The book is written in an unusual style, and even though it is translated from German to English, the writing is natural and clever.

Starting with the author’s childhood growing up in Yugoslavia and escaping the country as it exploded into civil war, the story follows him and his family as they try to get by as refugees in Germany, and then as their family is divided to different parts of the world.

The story shows the challenge for refugees forced to fit into wherever will take them, and how those challenges brought out the best in some and the worst in others.

I liked the unusual format – not a linear story but not a wacky time jump thing that is hard to follow, either.

The author has done some fiction so if I can find a translated version I am eager to read that and see what it is like.

Next I am reading Small Things Like These by Claire Keegan.