Visiting Morocco and Portugal

One of the destinations that I’ve been interested in visiting for a while is the country of Morocco. I’ve really been into seeing the decorations and tile work that make up much of decoration in mosques and other Islamic structures. I think I first got into it back when we toured the Alhambra in Granada, Spain. Morocco seemed like a little bit of a challenging destination for us, and we wanted to take the trip in cooler weather rather than the brutal summer. Besides that, we had a connection in Rabat – Yuki’s friend Aida lives there and we thought it would be great to stop in and see her.

When planning the trip I put together some cities I would like to visit – and then with our flight going through Istanbul it seemed like a good idea to work in a few days in Portugal as a sort of decompression before returning to Japan. As it turned out the tiles of Lisbon were their own sort of attraction for me, so it turned into a tile-themed trip.

What follows is a day by day journal of our trip. Hopefully it will keep the journey fresh for us, and if someone else is reading it may be useful for their future trip.

You’ll have to scroll down to see the start of the trip – from December 21st.