No Show

What a strange night… I went over to Yasu’s place at seven o’clock. After waiting about twenty more minutes, we started to get worried that the guest of honor wasn’t going to make it.

After an hour we decided to go ahead and eat, after making lots of phone calls trying to figure out where Melanie was. Yasu and his mom had worked throughout the afternoon preparing a huge feast. I did what I could to help eat and drink, but I felt bad. For some reason Melanie wasn’t there, and it just adds to the mystery surrounding the vice principal asking for her spare key. What’s going on here?

Even though Melanie and her friend didn’t show, we still had a good time eating sushi, three different salads, yakisoba, edamame beans, and drinking beer. It was good to catch up with Yasu’s mom, she is a great lady.

Anyway, we had a good time, and I’m back home early and getting ready for bed. I even got some leftover yakisoba to have for lunch tomorrow… woo-hoo!

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