Today after about thirty minutes and several signatures I am a cell phone carrying person once again. It’s going to end up costing me around $30/month to be carrying one around, but I hope the convenience is worth it. Japan’s social culture is married to portable phones, and now I’m part of that.
I’m pleased with the phone – I’ve been fooling around with it this afternoon and it’s pretty complicated. I has a camera and it does web and mail and you can even watch TV on the thing. Kuniko sent me a couple of messages and I sent some back, in English and Japanese. Actually, it’s easier to mail in Japanese, so I’ll probably stick to that. Maybe I can budget it as a study tool?
After getting the phone I walked Kuniko back to the train station so she could go visit her family. We said our goodbyes there in front of the station, and I walked back alone to my apartment. I cleaned up a bit after having company for the whole weekend, and now I can enjoy the rest of my day. Luckily today is a national holiday, so I can do whatever I want. I’m thinking about celebrating my birthday with a $50 bottle of wine that I bought in Australia, and cooking up a katsu donburi bowl.
Maybe I’ll curl around my phone to watch some TV…