Kyushu Ramen, Japanese TV

Ahh, a day off. I slept in this morning, took care of some household chores, did some laundry, and was very domestic. The weather outside was clear and cool, and I did take a walk in the early afternoon, but mainly stayed home.

In the afternoon Kuniko called and invited me over to her place for the evening, so I gathered up my gear and caught a train to Osaka for the first time in a long while. I took advantage of the train ride to rock out with my music – it makes the trip go by so much quicker. I’ll never get tired of riding trains around – it’s nice not to have to worry about traffic.

Once I arrived in Shin-Osaka I searched high and low for a flower shop, but when I found one the selection wasn’t all that great. I did the best I could, and went to see Kuniko.

She was fighting a sore throat, so we decided to go get some ramen for dinner. She pointed the way to a new place for me, ramen from Kyushu. The noodles were a little smaller, but the pork was the main event. The pork was rolled and grilled, so the inside was super tender, and the outside was almost black, but still soft, salty, and delicious. Oh, yeah.

After a big meal we went home to relax and watch some TV. As my Japanese improves I can start to understand the gist of what people are saying. I’m not saying that I understand Japanese TV – I never will. One show had guys dressed up like famous foreigners (complete with big fake noses) who rolled a dice to see who would be beat up by the others. Wacky stuff. There was also a comedy show, and one of the guys on there was a graduate from the school where I teach.

Tomorrow we’re headed into Takarazuka for a bridal fair. Should be interesting!

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