Teaching With Komuri, Night in Kobe

Friday was a slow day around school. Well, at least for me it was. There were a lot of preparations going on and last minute meetings and some panicked running around, but I calmly ate sushi at my desk and studied Japanese. Mr. Hayashi spent some time with me doing translations, and we talked about the proposed teaching schedule for next year. Mr. Hayashi is stuck with a lot of classes, and I get the feeling that other people have started to notice how easy he has it. I think he was really surprised – he’ll be teaching most of the first year classes with me.

I also taught a class with Mr. Komuri – we actually taught English together. That’s significant because he’s a Japanese teacher. Still, his English is pretty good, and we had fun doing the class.

Finally around 3 p.m. I left school early and headed home. From there I met up with Antoine in Kobe and we did some bar and restaurant hopping. It was good to catch up with him and see what he’s been up to.

We hit lots of different places, but the last one we went to was an Irish bar called Ryan’s. It was my first time there – I usually avoid it because it’s a foreigner bar. We went in and there were just lots of foreigners there, being loud and singing to 80’s songs. There were some lonely looking Japanese guys there, and one old Japanese guy dancing with all the foreign girls. It didn’t take us long to get out of there.

We had a good time, but I’m looking forward to relaxing this weekend.

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