The weather has cleared up nicely here, and when I exchanged greetings with the morning security guys at Ito Yokado of course we talked about the weather. They always look forward to the good weather because they have to stand around outside all day. I just have to deal with it for a few minutes on my way to and from work.
Speaking of work I had only two classes today, both for the new first years. The students were there early for each class – they can’t wait to see what the foreign teacher is like. First impressions are important, and I can identify and deal with the people that might act up or talk while I’m talking. The girls for the most part hang on my every word, and the boys are about half and half. Some of them are really into trying English, and that can only be good for me. I have a good feeling about this group of students. We’ll see how I feel after six months, though.
Today was our first ESS meeting after we had so many people join. The turnout was OK, about 12 students out of the 20 total in the club. One nice thing about having a big club is that we have to elect a club president, and there are lots of opinions, and my role goes from pushing people to do things to merely an advisory role. That means a lot less work and planning for me, and I’m really happy about that.
A group of the new first year members sat near the front, and everytime I walked by they would giggle and talk in Japanese. I’ve made a point of keeping my Japanese skills secret from the first years, at least in the beginning. Unfortunately for me that means that I can hear what they are talking about. If I can shift some of that energy towards using English, I guess I’ve done my job.
Matsubara was a big help today, keeping everyone on track, electing a president, and shouldering a big part of the burden of advising the club. I feel a little bad because she’s already busy, but she seems to enjoy it.
After ESS ended, I went downstairs and was packing up my stuff when Watanabe sensei came by to say hello. We chatted for a little while in Japanese. I think we may end up heading to the welcome party tomorrow together. I’m looking forward to the party – it’ll be a good chance to corner some of the shy members of the faculty and force them to utter English. Ha, ha, ha!
Next I went to Tsuji-san’s place to do a Japanese/English lesson. We talked about our trip to America, and looked through the pictures. She thought I looked strange in casual clothes – she always sees me in work clothes. We’re hoping to arrange some time when she and her boyfriend can meet up with Kuniko and me. I’m looking forward to it.
I took the train back, and since it was late I headed over to the yakitori for dinner. It was just the master there, watching baseball. I bought him a beer, and we watched it together for a while, chatting about little things. He cooked me a great dinner while we talked. Soon after a couple of other people came in, so I took my leave and headed home.
Now I’m just relaxing at home and getting ready for a big weekend.