Books: The Little Friend by Donna Tartt

This author puts out a book just once every ten years or so, I was excited going into reading this as I thoroughly enjoyed her other books. I wasn’t disappointed with this one – there is a lot to like here.

As usual the writing is excellent – detailed, unhurried, and poetic without feeling too artsy. There is a story here that takes a while to come to life. The way the author brings to life the place and the era (1970s Alexandria, Louisiana) – it takes time to set this up and thankfully it isn’t rushed. The vibes while reading about this brought to mind Steven Spielberg’s style – especially his movies about coming of age. We spend a lot of time with one particular character, a twelve-year old girl, and seeing the world through her sharp but innocent eyes reveals a lot about that time and place.

The location gives the chance to explore (kind of in the background) race relations of the time, and examine how a dynasty crumbles.

My favorite section was Harriet and Hely’s expedition to capture a poisonous snake – I couldn’t believe how scary and real that part felt. It is rare for a book to give me the willies like that – but I read it twice just to see how well it was constructed to freak us out.

It was a fairly long book, and sometimes I was wondering if it was really taking me anywhere. The story presents a mystery in the first chapter and this mystery provides the impetus to many of the events in the book, but finally at the end of the book the resolution of the mystery is not really clear – a blink-and-you-miss-it offhand comment that may or may not provide the resolution we are hoping for.

But part of the message I got from this book is that the world isn’t black and white and sometimes we don’t get the things we want. The author used a clever device with the story of the Antarctic explorer Captain Scott, and how “victory and collapse were sometimes the same thing.”

My only real criticism was that some characters felt extraneous (for example, Allison) and were used more as a way to provide points of view during key moments. Maybe I was missing something with their inclusion.

While I am still reading the book on the making of the James Bond movies, I’ve changed the pace of that reading to go along with watching each movie, so it’ll take quite a long time to finish that book. But for my next active read it is The Snow Leopard by Peter Matthiessen.

Books: Thinking in Systems by Donella H. Meadows

A very interesting book that is about more than just systems analysis. As an introduction to the subject it has a little bit of math, a little bit of engineering, and quite a bit of philosophy.

The book gives constructive advice on analyzing situations and pulling apart complex systems and getting at what makes them work. The advice is aimed at non-technical readers (like me!) so there was a lot I could take away from this book.

I can see that there must be a lot of interest in this topic in the field of economics – people analyzing why Company A is getting ahead while Company B might not be worth investing in. The economics part of the book was the least interesting to me, maybe it just went a little too deep and I’m more comfortable in the kiddie pool.

I also thought that considering the book was written way back in 2003 it contains a lot of insight that is applicable to the current political situation in the USA and around the world. That speaks to how fundamental the author’s ideas are. She writes with a lot of humility too – the systems analyst must be content with knowing that they can never know everything about a system, they can never compute every variable, they can always be surprised by unexpected events to throw the whole thing off kilter. But that isn’t a reason not to make the effort.

Next I am reading Some Kind of Hero by Ajay Chowdhury and Matthew Field.

Books: The Voyeur’s Motel by Gay Talese

I had read a New York Times long article that featured this story, and just by chance I found that the author had enough material to make it into a book. He tells the true and bizarre story of a hotel owner who installed viewing vents over certain rooms in his hotel and took notes on his guests over the years, without ever getting caught.

The author, like the reader, is shocked that something like this could happen, and most of the book is spent looking at the motivations of the hotel owner, and looking at the ways he justifies his behavior. There is also a lot of social commentary, especially of the transition from the 60s to the 70s in the USA, and what effect it had on the behavior of the guests.

Mostly the hotel owner was interested in the sex lives of others, so the book is full of the owner’s descriptions, quoted directly by the author of this book. It was interesting to see that the “notes” that the hotel owner took were considered by him as scientific documents – but in the end I felt this term was closer to a cover story and justification.

At the end of the book the now elderly hotel owner, having sold off his hotels and staying at home with his wife, complains of the surveillance state that he lives in – with big brother watching him all the time. The author of the book tries to point out the irony of this guy complaining about unwanted surveillance, but the point is wasted on the voyeur owner – who has justified everything in his own head.

This was a short book but from a sociological point of view fairly interesting. What a weird story!

Next I am reading Thinking in Systems by Donella H. Meadows.

Books: About Grace by Anthony Doerr

I wanted to keep one Anthony Doerr book in reserve – I really enjoyed his books and his writing style, and it is good to have one more out there that you can break open if you are having a bad day/week/year. But talking with my mom about some of his other books she made me realize that I had in fact missed a book, so I read this (his first) to bring the remaining books back down to one.

Since this was his first novel I wasn’t sure what to expect – was his writing always good or did it start out rough? Quickly I found that yep, it was always good. Something about the prose streaked with poetry makes it easy to read but also fires images in your mind.

I liked the slow pace of this book – it was sometimes hard to reel myself in and keep myself from speeding through it. But taking time pays off and we can really get a sense of the places that the characters visit. Places like St. Vincent, Alaska, and Cleveland. Three places I’ve never been but I can almost taste the air and feel the vibes of each location.

The story of this book starts with a hook – dreams of the future – but one thing that bothered me was that this linchpin for the plot fades away towards the middle and near the end. I think in his later books he hides more skillfully the elements that hold everything together.

I recently read the nonfiction book Pilgrim at Tinker Creek that focused on nature – but About Grace also does a great job of writing about science and nature, in a completely different way. I’m glad I was lucky enough to read these two books close together.

Next I am reading The Voyeur’s Motel by Gay Talese.

Books: Call for the Dead by John le Carre

This is the second book I’ve read by le Carre, and the first one featuring George Smiley, a character that he became famous for.

My first feeling while reading the book was that the name “Smiley” was always interfering with the way I read – the corner of my eye would catch the word “smile” and think that something amusing was happening. Do other people read like this? I wonder.

But the book was filled with interesting characters, even the thugs were engaging in intelligent discourse, and there were also some very dated technologies that unfortunately played a big part in the plot line. I was totally stumped when someone used their local telephone exchange to set a reminder wake up call – what the hell?

On the other hand, this book lets you into another era to see how things went. How member’s clubs were formed, and how information spread without the aid of the internet.

As with the other book that I read by this author, the writing is excellent. The story is more of a detective mystery than a spy story, but just the same I enjoyed the book. Down the road I may read more from the series.

Next I am reading About Grace by Anthony Doerr – my mom helped me realize that I hadn’t read this one yet.

Books: Pilgrim at Tinker Creek by Annie Dillard

I like books that feature someone in isolation, especially out there in nature enjoying an unhurried pace. This book sort of fits the bill, with a fair amount of poetry and philosophy on top of it.

Written back in the 70s, this book tells all about the area around Tinker Creek, somewhere in the Ozarks. The author’s observations and experiences are included along with her musings on nature, religion, and philosophy. I didn’t really find myself interested in the religious aspect of the writing but there isn’t all that much to get through.

I was more interested in the idea of taking your own time to observe what is happening in nature all around you. How important to have the ability to notice what is all around you and have the curiosity to figure out what it might mean. To not be tempted by technology and instead rely on nature for your intellectual stimulation – what a concept. The nice thing about a book written predominantly about nature is that not much has changed in the 50 years or so since the book was written.

This bold young author really took some chances. While some parts became a little confusing for me, for the most part she takes the topics and thinks them through, occasionally beyond where you would expect it to go.

I can see why this book has been recommended as an important non-fiction work – I’m glad I could finally read it.

Next I am reading Call for the Dead by John le Carre.

Books: The Algebra of Wealth by Scott Galloway

There are a lot of books on developing your personal finances, and it has been a while since I read one. I thought it might be interesting to read one written recently to see what advice has changed lately, and see if there is anything that I’ve been missing.

I liked the author’s writing style – approachable, patiently explaining the basics but not dumbing it down too much. He takes the time to address some of the reasons that someone would want to accumulate wealth – it is not just to get more strippers and blow. The author provides some other perspectives, and other ways of thinking about money besides “I should get as much of it as I can”.

To be the author of a book on accumulating wealth I think you should definitely be wealthy. I can see that he is stepping carefully when justifying the need for (over-)accumulating wealth. Certainly he understands his target audience but it is with a much more measured tone than perhaps Gordon Gecko would have taken.

Especially the anecdote on how he justified the purchase and use of a private jet – essentially trading money for more time with his kids. From an accounting point of view it made sense but it seemed to me that there may be some other considerations that he (unconsciously?) danced around.

I’d recommend this book for Americans getting started with investing, that have a lot of time as a resource, rather than old farts like me who are on the other side of the time equation. But even for me there were plenty of interesting insights and things to think about. Overall, it was worth reading.

Next I am reading Pilgrim at Tinker Creek by Annie Dillard.

Books: Once Upon a Tome by Oliver Darkshire

This book was given to me by my mom for Christmas. Written in London dry prose, the author talks about his experiences working at a rare book shop. I enjoyed this book mostly because I wasn’t sure if it was fiction or non, and at these levels of sarcasm and humor I’m still not sure.

A long time ago I met a friend at a concert, who brought along a friend I didn’t know, and after talking and drinking I told a terrible joke, and this new person laughed almost to the point of tears. I wasn’t sure at the moment whether the laugh was authentic or not, without any background info. But I felt sort of the same way reading this book, and to be honest I enjoyed it a lot more than the episode with my friend’s friend.

At first I thought that this might be a story, but it turns out to be full of (what the author clearly will admit to being) “ramblings”. The self-deprecation is turned to nearly maximum level, but we watch this book seller go from apprentice to veteran, and see very weird situations happening daily.

There were so many witty turns and comments that I felt like I wanted to highlight almost every page. Maybe I just need to read more English writers.

It was a fun book to read, maybe even more fun for booksellers as I’m sure they’ll be getting the jokes much more clearly than I would.

Next I am reading The Algebra of Wealth by Scott Galloway. Time to see how far behind I am with my financial future!

Books: Untamed by Glennon Doyle

When I started reading this book I didn’t know the backstory of the author and what steps she had gone through to reach where she is now. Of course all this is explained later, but only now do I realize why people might be seeking out this book, and why the author is dispensing her wisdom.

First, the good points – this book shows the re-invention of the author, from heterosexual, religious, traditional wife and mother to three kids to homosexual, religious (?), non-traditional wife and mother to three kids. I guess the difficult point was that she had written several books about her previous lifestyle(s) and was prescribing that behavior – now her lifestyle was completely different and she was coming to terms with it in this book.

The author encourages a lot of self-reflection and independent thought. She emphasizes how little of this happened to her, and blames society (American, I guess) for expecting/forcing women to fit into traditional roles. It took courage for her to see her way out of it, and I think she is trying to lend some of that courage to readers who might need it.

There was a lot of drama in this book – so many passages felt like scripts that people could cut and paste into their own life. I didn’t like the self-helpy vibes that this book gave off – and how she paints with very broad strokes about the people and society that surrounds her.

But she does bring a lot of bravery into her writing and as they say, if the book helps just one person then mission accomplished.

Next I am reading Once Upon a Tome by Oliver Darkshire.

Books: The Cautious Traveller’s Guide to the Wastelands by Sarah Brooks

I enjoyed this book – it has been a while since I’ve read this sort of genre: fantasy/historical fiction. The author does a really good job of creating the setting, and building out the world that we are about to explore. It also includes a long distance train, which seems to me to be the perfect vehicle for intrigue.

While I enjoyed the parts featuring the Wastelands, I’m sure some people may find it challenging to read without getting the gross-out shivers. If icky/slimy/moldy/fungal stuff creeps you out then this book is definitely not for you.

This book sets up a mystery, but its goal is not to answer every question, and that makes the book better. There are other issues – the dangers of capitalism and exploitation, corruption, and maybe even some allusions to the benefits of immigration.

One character that would seem to be critical to the story is oddly shunted aside – the Captain. She has an important role at the end, but that means ignoring what could be an interesting character for most of the story. And I did think that the way the story ended was just a bit too pat.

But overall it was an interesting and unique book, crossing categories as well as continents.

Next I am reading Untamed by Glennon Doyle.

Visiting Morocco and Portugal

One of the destinations that I’ve been interested in visiting for a while is the country of Morocco. I’ve really been into seeing the decorations and tile work that make up much of decoration in mosques and other Islamic structures. I think I first got into it back when we toured the Alhambra in Granada, Spain. Morocco seemed like a little bit of a challenging destination for us, and we wanted to take the trip in cooler weather rather than the brutal summer. Besides that, we had a connection in Rabat – Yuki’s friend Aida lives there and we thought it would be great to stop in and see her.

When planning the trip I put together some cities I would like to visit – and then with our flight going through Istanbul it seemed like a good idea to work in a few days in Portugal as a sort of decompression before returning to Japan. As it turned out the tiles of Lisbon were their own sort of attraction for me, so it turned into a tile-themed trip.

What follows is a day by day journal of our trip. Hopefully it will keep the journey fresh for us, and if someone else is reading it may be useful for their future trip.

You’ll have to scroll down to see the start of the trip – from December 21st.

Books: The Winner by Teddy Wayne

Oh, ick, this was a bad reading experience for me. Not sure why I picked this book – there is a twist but I didn’t like the direction of the plot, most of the information is relayed by telling us directly rather than showing, and the whole effect felt like a blunt instrument more than an elegant message.

It also contained a lot of pandemic issues, contemporary politics, and class/financial distinctions. Technology was over-explained and felt like we didn’t really need to know this much detail. If the author could have built on the tensions between the haves and the have-nots more with a more leisurely and less obvious telling of the story, it could have been a better book.

I felt like I was in a constant state of cringing during the latter half. Hopefully the next book I read can help me to un-cringe a bit.

Next up is The Cautious Traveller’s Guide to the Wastelands by Sarah Brooks.

Books: The Little Drummer Girl by John LeCarre

Despite a slow start this book manages to make a close examination of Israel and Palestine entertaining as well as educational. It is a long book, and I was concerned in the first half that we were only seeing one side of the conflict, but the author remedies that in the second half, in a clever way that doesn’t let you forget what you learned in the first half.

The beginning is full of details, and while reading I wasn’t sure that taking in all this information would be worth it, but I should have had confidence that the writer knew what they were doing. There is some great writing in this book – and we can see the benefits of taking your time to say something, to linger on the moments and not rush through to the denouement.

This is the first book I’ve read by this author, despite the many famous books that he has written over the years. I chose this book to learn more about the issues, but I enjoyed the writing and the tradecraft so much that I suppose it is just a matter of time before I read his other books. Something to look forward to in the future.

Next I am reading The Winner by Teddy Wayne.

Books: The Hurting Kind by Ada Limon

Reading books by someone who you (sort of) know always raises the stakes for me. You feel obligated to pay just a bit more attention to what they are saying, and make extra efforts to understand their opinions. Maybe for a book by an author you don’t know it is easier to dismiss things you don’t immediately understand or agree with. But I feel like I should at least put in a bit more effort to try to get things when there is a chance that someday I might come face to face with the author and have to give me opinion of their work.

This book is a collection of poetry by the daughter of one of my elementary school principals – someone who also grew up in Sonoma Valley and went to some of the same schools I did. Her work contains people and places that I am familiar with, which makes it more interesting to read.

I don’t read a lot of poetry (like almost none) but even by my rookie evaluation the author has some serious talent, and the book is full of lines that really spoke truth to me. I envy her the chance to really sit around and think about the world around her – processing the emotions and the episodes that make up your life and affect those around you. When you are caught up in a daily work grind like most people in the world, it is harder to have the time to do that. Professional poets have a rare opportunity – she doesn’t waste it in this book.

I read this book over one year, reading her seasonal sections during the season of 2024. It took a year to get through a short book, but I’m glad I did it that way as it allowed more time to reflect on each section.

It was an excellent collection – I hope that she’ll be able to continue to build on this in the future.

Day 12-13 – Lisbon, Istanbul, Osaka

Despite staying up late we checked out early, and it was an easy train ride to the airport. As we arrived there we saw thousands of paper tickets spread out all over the ground near the ticket machines – not sure what that was all about. The airport was surprisingly busy as I guess other people know that it is cheap to fly on New Year’s Day. 

We had a quick sandwich (blah) and coffee (meh) and then lined up to check in. As I had bought the next two legs of our trip on Turkish Airlines from two different companies I was anticipating some trouble and sure enough, they only had my information for the first leg. They said we’d need to pick up our suitcase, clear immigration and customs to enter Turkey, and then come right back in and check in for the next leg. But the staff offered to look for my other flight, if I could just provide the tickets.

It sounds easy but it is not. The tickets are actually emails, and each leg is a different email. Each passenger is a different email. I showed the flight reservation code, but that is not what she wanted. Some of the travel companies will not give you a flight ticket number until you log into their sites, and I wasn’t sure off the top of my head which company I had used for which tickets. I searched through all my emails but the answer was not coming up and I was very aware of all the people waiting impatiently behind us. So, I told the staff that we’d step out of line to look for it and come back when I had it. Kuniko was understandably pissed off – why is Bryan so disorganized? Why do we have to wait twice? I just wanted to get out of people’s way instead of flailing under pressure, and once we stepped aside I found the email that had the flight ticket seat number. We lined up in the first class line and luckily we could get the second leg added on and say goodbye to our suitcase until we meet again in Osaka.

Phew! Afterwards the security line was surprisingly long – about a 30 minute wait to get through. A couple in front of us were arguing so I could see how travel stress could affect us all. Finally through the gate we decided to get a little better food at a deli type place. We had a half bottle of Esporao white, a nice piece of quiche, and everything was all right with the world. 

As we headed to our gate, the flight suddenly was marked as final boarding, so we went down the tunnel and got on a bus which took us out to our plane. Despite the final boarding message, it took a long time to fill the plane, with a big group arriving just at the last minute. Maybe due to the security line?

It was four and half hours to Istanbul, easy flight, and a kid with an unusually large head in front of us was enjoying peek a boo with us. Towards the end of the flight I went to use the restroom and was surprised to find some used diapers wadded up in the toilet – those don’t flush! I told the flight attendant and she knew exactly whodunnit – and went after him and his little kid immediately. Yikes!

In Istanbul we did sort of the same thing we had done on the way in – a kebab and beer at one bar, more kefta, beer, and spicy burgers at the sports bar we visited before, walking around stretching our legs, and playing Balatro while waiting. It was a long time to kill. Finally it was time to go to the gate to catch our 10 hour flight to Osaka.

Not much to report after that – I slept seven of the ten hours. The food on the return leg was not so delicious – breakfast was some kind of sweet porridge – but that is the price you pay for cheap flights in economy!

Then it was the familiar slide through Kansai airport – immigration was easy as usual. We had to wait quite a while for our suitcase – long enough to start getting worried that it didn’t in fact make it from Lisbon. But finally it came around the conveyor. We were able to catch a bus. I had bought a ticket for the return bus ride for Kuniko after checking with a staff that it was valid for the future, but on the ticket we found a message that said that it wasn’t. Kuniko had to buy another ticket and we just made it in time. 

Back home we unpacked our loot – the cheese and other goodies all made it safely. What a journey! This trip was our last on our current passports – now we have to stick around Japan until we can get them renewed. Hopefully we’ll be traveling again soon!