Things continue to be really weird at work with the ongoing fallout from the teacher transfers. We had a meeting today to assign teachers to different roles for the next year, and that had people jumping, too. One of the English teachers, Mr. Yamamoto, came by and was whispering to me about some inside information that he had received, and he wanted me to think about this and that – it was just strange.
In the end I think most things are going to be the same for me, just teaching with a new set of teachers. I’m hoping that I get a lighter load of classes this year – at 18 classes last year I was one of the busiest teachers, and I’m supposed to be a part time worker.
I’m glad I don’t get embarrassed much anymore, because today would have been a perfect time. The new English teacher came to our school this afternoon to meet with the principal of our school. I don’t know who she is but some of the other teachers came by to give me a complete briefing – she’s from Yashiro, she’s 35 years old, she’s married, she’s really cute, etc.
When she came into our staffroom all the other teachers were jumping around to say hello and some of the male teachers were paying very close attention to her. I was sitting at my desk studying flashcards, and tried to ignore all the commotion and concentrate. After a little while I had to get up to use the restroom, so as I got up my elbow bumped into somebody walking behind me, and I looked and started to apologize at the same time, and found that my elbow was kind of pressed up against the new teacher’s rear end.
Hi, nice to meet you, I’m going to touch your ass to make a good first impression.
Her reaction was a little surprised but fairly composed considering she was walking around the staffroom and suddenly found some foreign guy throwing elbows into traditionally personal areas of the body. I’m sure she’ll remember me once the formal introductions happen. Yikes.
I was stuck attending a fairly boring English teachers’ meeting, but I did manage to sneak out a little early and get home. I cooked up some soup for dinner and spent the evening watching Survivor, unpacking (still!), and doing laundry.
Tomorrow is Friday, and it looks like we’re throwing an impromptu going away party for Mr. Komuri. I’m trying to decide whether to go or not… it’s at the same old place, Amuse. I’m thinking about bailing on that one and taking him out to sushi some other time. We’ll see how I’m feeling tomorrow.