Books: Ruffage by Abra Berens

It has been a while since I read a cookbook. This one is focused on vegetables, and since that is mostly what we eat I borrowed it from the library.

This one isn’t a comprehensive reference but it is written by someone who knows how to grow, choose, and cook veggies in combination with meat or fish, so it closely matched up with how we eat at home. The food photography is really well done – someone should get an award just for the photos! I also liked how creative the author was in the kitchen. Sometimes it is hard to do something interesting with winter root vegetables besides roasting them up.

The author is based in the northern mid-west so most of the veggies are ones that grow there and therefore the book is pretty USA-centric. Some of the personal stories didn’t really click with me, but that is kind of par for my course.

Overall it was a good cookbook – I put it on my wishlist for when it goes on sale.

Next I am reading Cheap Land Colorado by Ted Conover.

Books: Travels with Charley by John Steinbeck

While searching for new and interesting travel books this title sometimes comes up – Steinbeck and his dog travel America by camper in 1962, trying to get a feel for what “America” is.

I thought I should finally read it since I liked East of Eden so much. There was a lot to like in this book – beautiful descriptions of the United States, and excellent writing about people, places and even conversations with a dog. Sometimes the dated expression and old fashioned English idioms appear, and the modern reader is left clueless and searching the internet to figure out what these things mean. But for the most part it is a pleasurable read.

By the time he wrote this Steinbeck was a famous and successful author, and the same year this was published he won the Nobel Prize for Literature. I imagine writing this work of non-fiction came with some pressure – even though he traveled anonymously around America his words were read widely and his opinions therefore seem slightly tempered here. There is a lot of responsibility in writing when you reach his level.

One of his goals was to go out and talk with regular American people and he had conversations with people that he met and their comments are related in the book. In the foreword of my edition it was mentioned that some of the people he met were in fact fictional, and that in order to tell a story of his journey he made up a few things to make it work. Because of this it is hard to compare it with other travel books. I certainly would have liked to have heard from more people – Steinbeck is comfortable with his own (and his dog’s) company. I thought the balance of the content was tilted more towards Steinbeck’s opinions and less toward what regular American people were thinking at the time.

I liked reading this book because the author had some real insight into the trends at the time and ultimately what might end up happening in the future (our present) if these trends continued. This was a unique chance to see Steinbeck’s America in the early 1960’s, but it should be read as his story – not America’s.

Next I am reading Ruffage by Abra Berens.

Books: Kitchen by Banana Yoshimoto

A book that contains two novellas that relate stories about young people dealing with loss and depression, Kitchen is a translated work by a Japanese author who is apparently quite famous in Japan.

I read about this book in the Japan Times, where they especially recommended the scenes including food. While there were some of these moments in the book, it wasn’t as detailed as a foodie like me would want. But the stories were a nice snapshot of Japanese life, and overall I think reading about how the characters dealt with depression (by semi-magical means or more practical ways) would be a benefit for young people growing up in a high context society like Japan.

Reading translated work is always a strange experience – you start to second guess the translator sometimes – and I felt occasionally felt like the translator had made some awkward choices. I can’t imagine how difficult it would be to translate this kind of book where most of the events take place inside people’s heads.

Not sure I’d recommend this for everyone, but as a youth-oriented read (maybe for teens experiencing loss?) it might be worth reading.

Next I am reading Travels with Charley by John Steinbeck.

Books: Post Office by Charles Bukowski

My first time reading anything by this author, I was surprised how readable and funny this book was. For some reason I had some image of beat poetry and coffeehouse drug deals – but that wasn’t it at all.

The vibe running through this book is a guy who is avoiding hard work, and a constant search for immediate gratification rather than a hard grind to success. A lot of the things in here probably wouldn’t fly in contemporary books, but as a snapshot of the past it was a great read.

I especially like his sense of humor. It was funny to read about how he treated his “career”, and when things got to be a pain in the ass he had so little invested in it that he could just walk away. Maybe this was written as a fantasy response for those caught in the rat race at the time.

So this was a pretty short book but very entertaining. I’m looking forward to trying more prose from this author.

Next I am reading Kitchen by Banana Yoshimoto.

Books: The 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle by Stuart Turton

This book caught me by surprise. I don’t remember where I got the recommendation and so I went into it completely blind, and I’m glad I did.

It is hard to describe the story, and I don’t want to give anything away in case somebody reading this ends up reading the book. Instead of talking about the story I’ll say that the author did a great job balancing all the characters and pieces of this story, and made sure that the reader doesn’t get lost in any potentially confusing situations.

Apparently this was a debut novel – so even more respect to someone with the determination to tell such a complex story in such a satisfying way. I highly recommend this book to readers with an open mind, attention to detail and enjoy a good mystery.

Next I am reading Post Office by Charles Bukowski.

Malaysia and Vietnam 2022 – Part 2

Pictures from this trip are here!

It is a very short flight from Kuala Lumpur to Ho Chi Minh City – just over an hour, and so we arrived in the airport a little after lunchtime. I had prepared and paid for my online visa for Vietnam (not required for Japanese but definitely for Americans) and despite printing out the form the immigration officer ignored it and stamped my passport without comment.

I changed some of my Japanese yen into Vietnamese dong and became an instant millionaire. There are a lot more zeroes in Vietnamese money, and pretty much no coins. Since we usually eat street food cash is handy, though.

After getting our suitcases we once again used Grab and caught a ride into town with a very friendly Japanese-speaking driver. He seemed eager to practice his Japanese so that let me have a chance to relax and let Kuniko handle the conversation. One thing we did hear about from the driver was that there were no fireworks for the New Year’s countdown, so that was a minor bummer.

It had been a long time since I had been in Vietnam but it seemed similar – especially all the scooters. We drove along the streets surrounded by scooters weaving around us, with everyone honking their horns almost constantly. Eventually we arrived at the shopping center that housed our hotel – it was strange that a hotel was inside a shopping mall, but the hotel was quite upscale and once we figured out the location we could check right in.

As we were checking in some other residents, a group of young Australian (?) men and women were trying to organize gym passes, supermarket locations and most importantly a source of hard liquor together with a slightly overwhelmed desk clerk. Part of the fun of travel for us is trying to figure all that out ourselves, but these guys wanted to have the hotel staff do the legwork for them – it shows you that there are all kinds of different ways to travel.

Our room in the hotel was really nice – a big room with windows looking over the city on the 23rd floor. The minibar was completely free (including beer!) and the big king-size bed was nice to spread out on. They even had a cool Bluetooth speaker we could use to play music from our devices – a very stylish touch. Once we settled in we went out to look for some food.

The hotel’s location was prime – we just had to cross the street to get to a big indoor market with plenty of food stalls. The staff were sometimes physically pulling us to their stands, and although the prices were a little higher than elsewhere, it was still much cheaper than anywhere we had been so far on this trip.

After eating some fried spring rolls and noodle soup we walked around town to see what it was like – it had been a few years since Kuniko had been here with a school trip. She said that there were quite a few changes, so COVID must have had some serious effects. Here in Vietnam masking was much less common, except for the scooter riders who wore them to keep their mouth and throat clean from pollution. We spent most of our time in Vietnam maskless.

One thing we had to re-learn was how to cross the streets in Vietnam with confidence. Signals were sometimes available on big streets but they are really just suggestions and it is much better to keep your eyes open and slowly and consistently walk across while making eye contact with oncoming scooters. It took a few hours but soon we were crossing like locals.

We spent the next few days enjoying food all over the city – bahn mi, grilled meat bun cha, and some dishes we’d never seen before like “com tam” meat and rice dish, but the rice is only made up of the broken grains that aren’t suitable for regular rice packaging. Noodles were great – we had pho bo hue once but we concentrated on other noodle dishes (mainly dry noodles) and also we particularly liked bahn bot loc la – a banana leaf wrapped around clear tapioca wrapped around grilled salty shrimp. Wow! At that shop the staff introduced her Japanese friend who was trying to start a business selling coffee. He wanted to give us free samples but we turned him down because we were so full of hot food. Strangely his coffee beans were from Africa and South America – we came to Vietnam to drink Vietnamese coffee!

We certainly drank our fill of coffee – it is quite intense in Vietnam and sometimes dripped over condensed milk to balance the flavor. It was great to have access to so much good coffee both hot and iced. Alcohol was cheap and plentiful here, too.

Soon enough it was New Year’s Eve, and since there were no fireworks we decided to avoid the crowds and have a mini-party in our room. The day before there were big music events down on the streets on temporary stages, and it seemed like it was going to be a crowded, rowdy night. The hotel room party idea was particularly fitting since we were already inside a shopping center, and in the basement there was a big gourmet grocery store that accepted credit cards. We stocked up on cheese, wine, bubbles, cut fruits, and enjoyed some music in our room as we awaited midnight.

At midnight we toasted the new year while looking out over the city and were surprised to see fireworks off in the distance. Then we heard some even closer, and it turned out that they were firing them off after all. So much for our taxi driver’s local information! We watched them from a distance, and then called it a night soon after.

The next day it was back to the airport, and after bowls of pho and some fruit juices outside on plastic tables we had another brief meal and some cocktails at the airport bar (which was much nicer than we expected). The flight back to Kuala Lumpur was just an hour. The immigration line was a bit longer this time. Some guys in front of us were having trouble with their passports – they seemed nervous and let us go ahead of them. Hopefully everything worked out for them.

Our Grab driver needed to refuel on the way back to the city and we caught a little traffic so by the time we arrived at our last hotel of the trip it was late. We had cocktails at a sweets bar near the lobby, but the restaurants were closed. We gave up and went up the elevator but pushed the wrong button for our floor, causing a delay for the (thankfully) understanding couple sharing the ride. In the end we ordered room service – noodles and satay – in our very comfortable room. The hotel was older but very nice and again we had a big room with a nice view of Central KL.

The last day or two was just crossing off the last things we wanted to eat, and do shopping for souvenirs for students and coworkers. We made the journey to Mansion Tea Stall to eat roti canai (worth the wait!), we tried to get mango susu from a place we tried last time but the day seemed to be some kind of holiday and the restaurants were re-set to a sort of family-style buffet system. We walked all over the Central KL area, burning calories in preparation for our next meal and using the subway system when the distance seemed too far.

We spent time in a shopping center that brought back memories from our previous trip – this time we tried new things. One was a spicy noodle dish with lamb and cumin that was tasty – a guy sitting next to us introduced us to the shop and seemed like he was a big fan. Another new thing was an ornate shaved ice with coconut milk, black jelly, peanuts and corn(!). Kuniko rejected corn as a topping for iced confections, and I’ll admit it was a little weird. The supermarket there was called “Cold Storage” and they had lots of interesting stuff. As we checked out a strange old lady put her stuff next to ours on the checkout counter – we had to explain that we didn’t know who she was. A lonely bunch of broccoli even made an appearance next to the waiting line in a cooler – what was the story there?

It was nice to revisit some of the places we liked last time, and the hotel location was perfect for shopping for our return home. Each morning we had breakfast at the impressive hotel buffet, full of western and local foods. Once we figured out the coffee system we were set. We spent time at the hotel pool swimming and sipping cocktails that took more than 30 minutes to arrive – but it was nice to just relax poolside in the warm weather.

On our final day we walked around the park under the Petronas Towers. We ate and drank at a cafe nearby – salted egg yolk fried chicken, cocktails and some decadent desserts really filled out the calorie load for the day.

We left early for the airport and it was a lucky thing as there were sudden thunderstorms and huge traffic jams due to a football match later that evening. It was good we weren’t cutting it too close for our flight. After one last round of salted egg lava buns at Din Tai Fung we took our overnight flight back to Osaka, and we both managed to sleep a bit on the way back.

There was a new system in place at Kansai Airport for entering Japan. The old MySOS system was eliminated soon after the PCR testing requirement was abolished, but now they had some strange new system that wasn’t explained very well. At 5 am the hallway was lined with staff who tried to explain how to register our emails on the new system and it seemed like a colossal waste of time and money. Plus we were tired and grouchy from just waking up – I hope this system is also eliminated soon.

It was great to get out there and travel some more, and we’re looking forward to visiting some new places in the future. This year will have us going to the USA to visit my parents in July, and hopefully some other travels in summer, autumn and/or winter. For now we’re getting back into the swing of things at work… back to the salt mines!

Malaysia and Vietnam 2022

Photos from this trip are here!

Except for a trip in August to see my folks in the USA we’ve been largely cooped up in Japan thanks to COVID restrictions. While Asia is still (even today) straining against those restrictions we felt like the time was right to get back on the road for some much needed R&R.

At first we hadn’t planned on going anywhere – just lock ourselves in our house with a lot of wine and gourmet foods and come out in January weighing a few more kilograms – but eventually the call of warm Southeast Asia was too much. We booked some cheap flights on Malaysian Airlines and left Japan on Christmas Eve.

We booked an early flight out from Kansai Airport and so that meant the first train on Saturday morning from Okubo. It was tricky to dress warmly for the morning but also to be ready for a couple of weeks of warm days near the equator. When we got to Sannomiya and had to wait for 10-15 minutes for the bus to the airport we were shivering in line. We splurged for two hot drinks from the vending machine to use as hand warmers until the bus came.

It was great to be back at Kansai Airport! It is always the departure point for our travel adventures and despite mostly being under construction (they tried to squeeze in a lot of renovation during the pandemic lull) it felt good to walk around and see how things were looking.

Check-in and security were a little busy but we made it to the gate with plenty of time to spare as usual, and then we were off just as the sun was rising. We booked two seats in the exit row, and so there was plenty of leg room for the 7 hour flight. Our meals were OK but nothing special – Kuniko ordered fish and got miso saba – which felt weird since we were leaving Japan.

During take off and landing we sat across from a flight attendant who was Japanese – she talked to us as we arrived and warned us of huge lines at immigration in Kuala Lumpur Airport. She was curious about us and asked about our lives in Japan. She made lots of smiley faces and nice comments and it was only later that we discovered that I had some spilled food on the front of my shirt. Such a cool guy!

Once we got into the airport it was a long trip to immigration. They had shut down some trams and so we had to ride a bus part of the way, and we certainly got some steps in that day. Despite what the flight attendant had said immigration was a ghost town and we flew right through.

After leaving immigration and customs the first thing we did was turn around and go back into the airport arrivals area to hit Din Tai Fung – a Taiwanese restaurant that serves consistently delicious salted egg lava buns. For some reason they are hard to find in Japan – even Din Tai Fung in Osaka doesn’t carry them – but I imagine they would go over really well. We can’t get enough and during this trip we stopped at this airport restaurant three times for salted egg lava buns and some noodles/wontons on the side.

We used the e-hailing app Grab and got a quick ride into the city. Using e-hailing apps has really changed how we feel about traveling (especially in SE Asia). Some of our best travel stories have been about crazy taxi rides or drivers ripping us off, and while they make good memories they are always stressful at the time. Now all that worry is gone. The apps we use set the price at the beginning, no cash changes hands, and we don’t need to try to explain the destination in another language. It’s almost too easy!

There were a few reasons why we chose Kuala Lumpur for our main destination this time: it was the last foreign city we had visited before COVID so it made a fitting bookend to the (hopefully) end of the pandemic. Also we had pretty much done all the sightseeing a few years ago so it was a place to relax and focus on food, and finally the familiarity of the city would make it that much more stress-free.

That sense of familiarity was a surprisingly positive emotion. I know that I felt a similar feeling in Cairo when we went back to the Al Doqi area of the city after staying somewhere else on our return from Luxor. Some places that should look foreign and unfamiliar are instead welcoming – you know how things work and where you can go to find what you need, in an otherwise unknown country. We got that same feeling this trip.

So we were eagerly looking around the center of Kuala Lumpur when we arrived. We wanted to see what things had changed in the three years since we (and COVID) had been there.

We stayed at one of the hotels that we used last time – it was in a great spot near a very popular street food destination, a huge shopping district, and an underground food court right next door that was our hangout for most mornings.

After dropping off our bags we went right outside and walked across the busy Bukit Bintang area, crossing the busy streets filled with tourists. It seemed like about 60% of people were masked, compared to Japan which still is about 99.5% masked.

We found Jalan Alor – a street food hotspot just five minutes walk from our hotel, and it looked almost exactly the way we left it in 2020. We even went to the end of the street and found the same satay cook, grilling up satay skewers of lamb, beef and chicken amid clouds of billowing smoke. We managed to find half a table and pushed aside some dirty dishes to eke out a space to enjoy. Drinking cold beer and satay with peanut sauce on a hot tropical night in Southeast Asia is a pretty good feeling.

While many things were familiar there were some things we noticed for the first time. I know that Malaysia is an Islamic country, but I didn’t really notice until this trip that the price of alcohol is quite high. Since there is little domestic demand the tourists are expected to pay more for the privilege of drinking, and so when we had drinks they were similar in price to back home in Japan or sometimes a little higher. We didn’t stop drinking while there, but it did cost more than I had expected. Kuniko discovered lychee martinis (and we bought the ingredients for them as soon as we got home), and I drank various beers, mostly Tiger. But it did give us the opportunity to drink the fruit juices that are available everywhere, blended and served in old-fashioned glasses.

Kuniko made sure that every hotel during this trip had a swimming pool, and I appreciated taking a dip almost every day. The poolside bar at the hotel had a “pool guy” who tried to get us to refill our drinks as much as possible – he was ripe with cologne and spent time with his smartphone until our drinks started getting low and then he was, “Hey boss, need another beer?” I can still smell the guy!

We spent almost every morning in the next door food court – a place we discovered on our previous trip. The main attraction (for me) was the Penang Secret Cafe, which served Penang’s (and Malaysia’s?) signature dish, char kway teow. It is made of rice noodles, shrimp, oysters, duck egg, shaved sweet Chinese sausages, and some mysterious (but mild) spices that make this dish magical. I went nuts for this dish last trip and it was just as good this time.

At the Penang Secret Cafe they fend off customers (even after opening time) until everything is just how they like it, and then they accept the first customer and a line forms. You pay, get a paper with a number, and then you need to stand back while the next person orders. The cooks throw the ingredients into a huge wok, and make the char kway teow two portions at a time. They put the completed dishes on a shelf with a matching number tag, and if your number matches you can take the dish back to your seat and dig in.

As it was a popular restaurant there were 5-6 people waiting around for their order, and I soon discovered that some guys (usually Chinese) would just take the first dish that matched their order and run off, whether the number was correct or not. That meant that I (and other rule-following people) would be standing around waiting for a number that already came up. You had to show your paper to the busy cook who would stop what he was doing, look around, shake his head, and then give you the next dish out of the wok. A very disorganized system.

We didn’t just eat char kway teow – there were so many dishes to try at the food court and each restaurant was in reality a special branch of another actual restaurant somewhere in Malaysia – so this place gathered some of the best food in the country in one place. We went heavily for noodles but there were plenty of other options, sweet and savory.

So we settled into a nice routine – wake up when we wake up, have some coffee, head over to the food court to try some new dishes around 10 am, come back to relax by the pool or read books, get out there for some lunch somewhere else, maybe another lunch, an early dinner, maybe another dinner… and so on. We were always keeping our eyes open for good food and coming back later when we were hungrier.

There were lots of good memories from this trip to KL: getting caught in the rain while eating dinner on Jalan Alor… every shop had table umbrellas ready to go up and even a unique system to prevent leaking between adjacent umbrellas. Enterprising locals showed up soon after selling plastic umbrellas – we bought one and managed to stop the rain moments later. I had a boba tea from Oja Tea, a newly opened shop that had exceptionally friendly staff. Just as we left the chubby owner and his family (all in regular clothes) came and conducted a surprise inspection while the poor staff tried to keep serving customers.

Our return to Chinatown was interesting – the shortcut that we used so many times when we were there last was gated up and I was glad we didn’t stay at the previous hotel – it would have made the walk to Chinatown much farther. The roti jalla was even better than I remembered the first time – with a rich soup and big chunks of meat. Most shops started to use QR code menus, which while somewhat annoying when you are in your own country, are quite useful when dealing with language barriers in another country.

After almost a week of eating well we were ready to move on to Ho Chi Minh City, so once again we went to the airport and ate some more salted egg lava buns at Din Tai Fung. While walking through the check-in area of Kuala Lumpur International Airport we came across a large group (200+?) of prisoners, being led in chains and handcuffs across the terminal area. It was a shock to see – I’ve never seen anything like it in a public place. The prisoners were dressed in regular clothes, and it was about 70% men and 30% women. My best guess was that they were being deported as illegal immigrants. We walked past one of the groups and they watched us just as much as we were watching them. It was a strange reminder that there are always people willing to take risks to find a better place no matter where you are.

While waiting to board the flight to Vietnam there were other groups walking around, and these people were not chained up. It seemed like they were going somewhere in China for work, and I wondered what kind of work it was that China was bringing in more people from developing countries to help with it.

Then we caught our afternoon flight out, and I’ll write more about our short visit to Ho Chi Minh City and the rest of our trip in the next entry.

Books: Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen

This was a pretty good read for me. All about life in a train-based circus in the 1930’s, the writer skillfully tells a story that is well-balanced and full of funny situations.

Obviously there was a lot of research that went into this work, but the result is a very easy reading book, and although the story was a little predictable and the dialogue at times a bit unnatural, it was worth it to get to the end and see how things turn out.

Reading about circuses in the 1930’s never struck me as something I’d be interested in before, but this was clearly a rich vein of material to draw from. There was quite a bit of nostalgia/Americana included, but in this book it didn’t rub me the wrong way like it does in other books.

Apparently there is also a movie, so I’ll have to rent it and watch it sometime soon.

Next I am reading The 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle by Stuart Turton.

Books: Legends and Lattes by Travis Gradee

This was a short, clever book that took all the things we have learned in the fantasy genre (elves, orcs, wizards and magic) and leveraged that background knowledge to tell a story that shows it is OK to be yourself and trust in your own instincts and friends you make along the way.

Another book that seems to fall into the “cozy” category, it is fun to read about a warrior who sets aside her broadsword and instead tries to open a coffee shop in a place where they have never heard are tasted the beverage.

The story is cute – lots of friendly characters (and a few unfriendly ones) but the stakes here are low and the whole things builds up to a satisfying conclusion. There is emotional support in here for shy/introverted people, cat lovers, minorities and people that experience prejudice, gay and lesbian people, and even reluctant lute performers.

I enjoyed this book – it was a quick read but satisfying and a sort of balance with the gritty and bloody world that is more often described in works of fantasy recently.

Next I am reading Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen.

Books: The Hands of the Emperor by Victoria Goddard

This was a warm and fuzzy book about a secretary to the emperor of the entire world who takes a chance to break protocol and ends up shaking up just about everything.

This is a pretty long book – more than a thousand pages – and I was satisfied and felt the story was complete about halfway through the book. The main character is a kind, proactive civic employee doing his duty in a very subtle way. The book goes out of the way to show what a kind person he is, and indirectly shows that his (huge) family back home doesn’t really know what he does or how great of an effect he has had on the world.

The worldbuilding by the author here is phenomenal and deep. There is a lot of history for each of the areas of the kingdom and their people, and it is amazing to think how much time the writer has thought about this. One complaint I had was that given this huge world and the multitude of people within it we spend an inordinate amount of town with just the main character. We hear about other people only indirectly through him.

The root of this book seems to be the transitioning of a mere secretary to the emperor with some slight access to power to someone who wields power on their own. Even though our secretary rises through the ranks and becomes a powerful person he never seeks to use this for his own benefit, and the book spends a lot of time fawning over what a great person he is and how his family doesn’t really understand how hard he has been selflessly working.

As I said, at the halfway point I felt like we had reached a logical and satisfying ending, but unfortunately the author continues to go on and on praising our main character, giving comeuppance to people that look down on him or his people, and even creating entirely unbelievable and perfectly arranged situations for this guy to lead the triumph of humility of selfishness. 500 pages of this. Really! There must have been an editor involved with a book of this size but I felt like they really should have stepped in and chopped out a lot of this to make a more readable and enjoyable book.

Next I am reading Legends and Lattes by Travis Baldree.

Books: This Train by James Grady

It is not often in my reading when I come across a completely new writing style. This book is written in a weird combination of Lee Child’s short staccato sentences combined with sudden changes in point of view characters – it can be hard to follow. This really odd style together with a spelling mistake in the first few pages almost had me give up on the book, but I decided to push through. I guess I am glad that I did.

The book is about a train ride and a heist but also it seems to be about America and its beauty and shortcomings. There are some really awkward interactions, a mystery villain, some believability problems, and a few red herrings.

By the end of the back I was satisfied with the resolution (that still seemed a little forced). I don’t think I’ll read any other books by this author, though. Not on my recommended list!

Next I am reading The Hands of the Emperor by Victoria Goddard.

Books: The Rabbit Hutch by Tess Gunty

This book was a surprise for me. At first I thought it was a typical sort of book with lots of characters who gradually come together in the end for either happiness or tragedy. As it turned out, the book was more than that, and I was pleasantly surprised.

It starts off pointing out some of the residents of a public housing project (nicknamed “The Rabbit Hutch”) and their private activities in their private spaces inside the large building. But from there, the story expands to include the area around it, and especially focuses on one very intelligent disadvantaged young woman. She is finding her way in the world, attending a private school and hoping for something better out of the world around her.

The way the book is written is very non-traditional, characters and situations are presented in odd (but effective) ways. One chapter is entirely of illustrations. I appreciated the extra creativity here and the bravery to break the mold.

The book has many opportunities to make social commentary on contemporary America, especially the areas that may be less affluent. The author has a genuine talent in writing – especially writing about emotions and heartbreak. It also contains a lot of support for young women growing up in a place that carries some real risks for their mental and emotional health.

With all this unusual writing there were some misses for me – I sometimes found it hard to follow the streams of some of the character’s thoughts, and sometimes it felt like one or two weird people were weird just for the sake of being weird. This was an ambitious novel and so I could forgive these points.

So finally I enjoyed this surprising book. Not a perfect book but well-written and one that takes chances.

Next I am reading This Train by James Grady. I’ll bring this book and some old favorites along with me on our winter trip to Malaysia and Vietnam. There should be some time to read while relaxing near a pool, hopefully!

Books: Mosquito Supper Club by Melissa M. Martin

This cookbook was recommended by NPR (I think) and so I thought I’d check in on my Cajun/Creole recipes and see if there was anything new to learn.

The book has a wide selection of recipes, and I found 3-4 that I want to try in the future. There is also some great photography in here, food and otherwise.

Part of this book is a plea to save the disappearing Louisiana Bayou areas that are rapidly disappearing thanks to river damming and climate change. Also the availability of cheaper overseas fish/seafood is highlighted as a reason for the area’s decline.

There was also a sort of strange streak of sexism here – the author felt that men representing her cuisine’s cultural heritage was inappropriate given that “women run the kitchens” where she comes from. She states that “women hold our cuisine, culture, and traditions together.” I’m not sure why it is important that a man or a woman is cooking this food – I don’t think that anyone is evaluating it based on the sex of the chef – but I felt this element distracted from the rest of the story.

I’ll give the recipes a try over the next few months – hopefully they are as tasty as they looked in this cookbook.

Books: Stella Maris by Cormac McCarthy

This book is sort of like a companion book for The Passenger, released at about the same time. While The Passenger was a full-blown novel, this is quite a bit shorter, and deals almost exclusively with one character from The Passenger.

The story takes place in the form of notes between an institutional psychologist and his patient. To me it felt like an excuse to peek into the author’s thoughts on mathematics, death and mental health. All of these were covered in the other book (some quite extensively) but apparently the author wanted to follow up with a bit more.

I enjoyed reading most of it, with the exception of a description of drowning that was quite disturbing. Having read the other book we are aware of some of the backstory, and in this knowledge we get the most out of Stella Maris.

As usual McCarthy’s books are pretty cerebral and mentally taxing (in a good way) and so the next few books will be a little lighter.

Now I’m reading Mosquito Supper Club by Melissa M. Martin.

Books: The Rage of Dragons by Evan Winter

This was a fantasy book written in a slightly different way – using an African theme and introducing a completely new world. The writer throws you in the deep end with the prologue, and then spends most of the book backfilling all the lore and information you need to understand things.

Luckily this information is demonstrated over time instead of a massive information download from some character. It felt natural to me, even getting some critical information about the cultures here halfway through the long book.

Despite the name of the book there aren’t many appearances of dragons, and I thought they might be a bit more interesting if the author wrote about them more.

Although I liked just about everything in this book I found the main character to be a little too one-dimensional. He’s bent on revenge and to be the most powerful soldier so that he can exact that revenge. He shows little in the way of thinking more deeply about the situation, what his long game is, and almost no curiosity about the people and institutions he has sworn to destroy.

There was a little bit of a Hunger Games feeling, too. All these scripted events and competitions and rules and whatever served just as a way to show the main character building his following and his skills. All these events had just the right timing and were held in just the right place so that our hero could take advantage.

This book was described elsewhere as revenge fantasy, so I suppose we shouldn’t let realism get in the way. I’m probably overthinking things anyway – it is best to just sit back, relax and enjoy the story.

Next I am reading Stella Maris by Cormac McCarthy.