Today I finally got the information on my flight to and from Australia next month. I leave Osaka at night on Dec 18th, fly seven and a half hours to Cairns, Australia, change planes, and fly three more hours to Sydney, arriving at around 9:45 a.m. local time on the 19th.
I come back to Japan on the 27th of December on a direct flight back to Osaka. I’ll be sharing the same plane with some of the students and teachers from my group, so it should be a fun trip back.
I only had two classes, both interview tests. I try to warm up the students a little bit with some quick conversations in Japanese, but they are so nervous that they freeze up even early on. My Japanese skill is probably not helping, either.
While the second class was leaving, many students came up to find out about their scores. While leafing through some of the papers looking for scores, I suddenly felt somebody’s hand go into my pants packet and start rooting around for change. I jumped – it was one of the crazy girl students that crashed the ESS meeting to get food. She pulled out a couple of coins, and tried to talk me into giving them to her. I looked at some of the other teachers for help, but they didn’t seem to think that there was anything unusual about it. I explained to the student to not do that again, and recovered my money. I think I’m going to need to talk with Mr. Hayashi and make sure that it gets translated that you can go rooting around in other people’s pockets. If she had made a right-hand turn in there, we would have been in dangerous territory.
After school we had students that were absent during their interview tests come in and do their interviews for me. Afterwards, I had a grand total of one ESS member show up. We talked for a long time, and then we played battleship. It was fun to play, but I lost by one ship. It was difficult explaining the game, but she picked it up right away.
In the teacher’s room I spent a long time talking to the history teacher. His English is quite good, and we had around four different conversations today. He saw Black Hawk Down last night and really enjoyed it, and wanted to get my perspective on it. We talked about what he wants to do in the future – I think he feels like he’s in a bit of a rut. The career path for teachers does not include a lot of leeway for vacations and the like, so he’s looking at a long time before he has a chance to travel or relax.
Everyone sat around the warm teacher’s room at the end of the day, talking and joking in both Japanese and English. It felt good to be with everyone there – people were laughing and having a good time, and I felt like part of the group… I work with some good people.
I cooked up yakimeshi (fried rice) tonight, but all my vegetables are gone, and I need to get to a store to get some fresh veggies. I’m hoping that my nearby store will open soon. Melanie invited me to join her at the yakitori tomorrow night for beer and “meat on a stick”. I haven’t spent much time with Mel lately, and it will be good to catch up with her. I want to find out whether she is signing up for another year or not – I think we’re both mulling over that decision right now.