Now With 50% Less Employment

Today I have a half day off as things wind down with my current course. Good news from some of my students – they have received permission to continue the course, so at least two of my students will be familiar, and the rest should be new students. I’m pleased that they decided to stick around – I think one year of intense one-on-one English conversation practice will really improve their skills.

With this kind of weird schedule in the next few weeks I have been trying to schedule a few events and meet-ups with friends that I haven’t been able to see lately. I got an email from the master of Denya asking what I was up to, which means it has been too long since I have been by. Maybe in the next few weeks I’ll get over to Futami to visit. I set up a meeting with Yoshi in early April, and Kuniko is inviting some more stressed out teachers over to our place to de-stress. Apparently the reputation of our hospitality is getting around.

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