All Your Hotel Are Belong To Us

Pretty good weekend really – lots of relaxation time, got a lot done around the house, and ended with a birthday party for Kuniko’s dad (this one was the actual birthday, although we celebrated a while back).

For dinner I cooked some Costco steaks, and they were a big hit. They are about three times the size of Japanese steaks, and about a quarter of the price, so they make for a big meal. Halfway through the steak Niro was looking like it was time for the doggie bag, but he pushed through and ate the whole thing. We had wine, mashed potatoes, salad and some hors d’oeuvres that Kuniko made to round out the meal.

Over the weekend I just about finished booking the hotels for our trip. The final itinerary:

Frankfurt -> Rhine River cruise to Koblenz -> Brussels -> Munich -> Zurich -> St. Moritz -> Zermatt -> Gruyeres -> Geneva.

I just have to get a hotel in Geneva and then I’m done. Who knows – another volcano could erupt and throw our whole plan into chaos, so I’m not celebrating too much. The best laid plans yadda yadda…

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