Weekend Coming

Last night Kuniko came home with some bread from her baking class, and it was really good. Kind of like Italian style, with a lot of vegetables and basil baked into it. Yum. Since I was on my own for dinner I had cooked up a pizza I bought at the supermarket, but only after I had spiked it with mozzarella, fresh basil leaves and Chinese hot peppers. Again, yum.

Today is Friday – and I’m glad. We’ve got a bit of a busy weekend coming up. Tomorrow we’ll go over to the Fukumi’s place for dinner and to catch up with them, and then we’re considering a Costco run to Amagasaki on Sunday. Next week we’re hosting two parties, so we’ve got a lot of things that we need to pick up there. Right now Kuniko has a million things going at work, and not enough time each day to get them done, so the weekend really hinges on whether she needs to work more at home or not.

We’ll see how it shakes out. I’m looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow, though…

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