Media Blackout Lifted

Last night I watched the end of Survivor (finally), and now that I know who the winner is, I can go back to reading news and websites online.  Every so often I do these blackouts to avoid having the end of a show spoiled, and it is usually pretty easy to avoid the information.  Once in a while I get burned, but overall it tends to work.

So I’m looking forward to catching up with all my internet haunts today and the rest of this week.

Yesterday my first production group lesson went really well, so I felt pretty good about that and I’m looking forward to the next time I teach them.  My lesson planning focus now shifts to two long lessons at the end of this month when I will teach the new white collar employees.  Somehow I have to work in cultural diversity into the lesson, as a request from HR.  Maybe it is because there are now a few foreign-born employees now (like me).  If this trend continues this company will soon be dealing with a lot of work culture conflicts I’d guess.  Should be interesting to see.

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