
Last weekend Kuniko and I were doing a little shopping and we came across some Munich-style white sausages for sale at a nearby supermarket.  These are really hard to find in Japan, so we snapped them right up.  I had planned on boiling them up this weekend, but some plans came up to party with the Yamaji’s.  So last night we had a little Oktoberfest celebration.  I got some German sauerkraut, I made some warm German potato salad, and I got a couple bottles of Oktoberfestbier, one from Spaten and one from Hofbrau House.  

It turned out pretty good, especially considering that it was a school night.  It also brought back great memories of our time in Munich.  We want to go back!

Kuniko and I always remember our summer trips and it is just about every day that someone brings up some memory or funny situation that happened during one of our trips.  We’re already eager to get started planning another trip, but we’ll have to wait until the end of the year so that our job situations clear up.  Where to next?

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