I’d never heard of this author but he writes a good thriller. This is the kind of book you pick up at the airport before boarding a plane: fast paced, semi-intellectual but also full of action.
This book has a lot of references to the near future (and it is looking bleak), and if it causes a little introspection for some readers I’d say it wouldn’t be so bad. The focus here is on gene-editing, and despite a sort of preposterous setup, it comes close enough to plausibility without getting bogged down in science babble.
The main character gets an upgrade, and so he turns out like some sort of super Jack Reacher character – analyzing statistics and doing deep thinking on the fly. It is surprisingly fun to read – kind of like a superhero origin story.
That’s all the reading for a short while – I want to focus on our trip to America. I’m not sure what I’ll read next but you’ll see it posted here when I finish it!