Books: System Collapse by Martha Wells

This book is the latest in the Murderbot series. It gives the reader more of the same – that is, if you liked the previous books you’ll find that this book is a satisfying read. Since it has been a while since I read the previous book some of the characters were a little hard to remember, but the story starts off gradually.

I heard that they want to make a TV series or movie based on these books, but I can tell you right now that it won’t be able to capture the magic of the books. The attraction of this series is that most of the big events and excitement happen as the robots and AI are hacking each other, working out how to get out of tight situations, and using multiple drone points of view to ascertain their situation. I think that wouldn’t translate well to the screen.

But it is fun to read, and I hope that sooner or later the author will push a little bit harder to expand the scope of the series.

Next I am reading The Global Pantry Cookbook by Scott Mowbray and Ann Taylor Pittman.

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