Books: Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes

A very unique reading experience – following the progression of the changes in the main character’s intelligence. At first it felt like a bit of a gimmick, but finally I could understand why the writer did it as it brought forth a lot of emotion as we could start to predict the curve.

This book contains a lot of thoughts on intelligence and its role in personality and what makes a person. The way the story progresses allows the reader to make their own judgements rather than listening to someone preaching an idea.

I did feel like the book was a little dated, and there is a sort of odd preoccupation with sex that was eventually resolved in a weird way. But I can imagine that in its time the book was pretty groundbreaking. But I’m glad I read this (literally) thought-provoking book.

Next I am reading Anansi’s Gold by Yepoka Yeebo.

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