Since I went to bed fairly early last night I was able to get up at a decent hour today. My dad was planning to do his daily ritual of pulling down some bags of insulation in preparation for their new kitchen. He went up into the attic while I was in the shower and filled a bunch of garbage bags.
By the time I was out of the shower he had finished up, and then we both got ready to go out and split wood. I had packed pretty light this trip – in fact, I didn’t even pack any pants. Definitely nothing I could wear while working with the wood splitter. My dad found an old pair of overalls in the back of his closet that seemed to fit me. I looked like an Oklahoma country boy – I should have taken a picture.
Anyway, by the time we finished splitting wood it was around 1:30, so we cleaned up and went up to visit the Benziger winery. I was able to see Luisa, Brian, Terry, Casey, and Nacho. Everyone looked great, and it was fun to walk around the winery again after being away for so long.
Soon after we got back Mark and Banzai came home from work and we were off to the Degliantoni’s for dinner. I hadn’t been over to George and Margaret’s place in years and years. Their place was really nice, especially the back yard area. It is all shaded by trees, and they have a nice hot tub out in the woods.
We ate BBQ chicken and burgers outside and had an incredible blackberry crisp for dessert. We chatted about all kinds of things, from my adventures in Japan to Mark’s adventures in a snowbound car with my dad.
Finally we headed back and relaxed around the house. We’re trying to get my computer to recognize the network at home, but it’s proving to be a pain – hopefully I can figure it out before I leave!