Today my father and I drove into town to pick up some sandwiches and have lunch at my mom’s winery, Gundlach Bundschu. We sat out in front of her office in the shade and ate our sandwiches. People would walk by and we could say hello to them – it’s a small family winery and it definitely has that feel.
Afterwards I brought my pictures into the office and so people could get a look at them. I brought way too many pictures – almost 150 – so it takes a while to go through them. We also sat with Mary Bundschu and talked for a while about the pictures, life in Japan, and the family. It was fun – a good way to spend the hot afternoon.
We drove from the winery into town to visit the Sonoma Valley Art Museum where my brother works. Mark got the job a couple of weeks ago, and so we wanted to stop in and see him, but also see the exhibition by Rodin. His most famous work is “The Thinker”, but he did a variety of other interesting pieces that were on display at the museum in Sonoma.
The museum itself was well-designed. Mark had especially recommended the bathrooms, and upon visiting I noticed some really cool sinks. I should have taken a picture, but I’ve noticed that people tend to get uncomfortable when you do photography in a public restroom.
After enjoying the art for a little while we drove home, stopping in at the lcoal grocery to pick up some goodies for our taco dinner that night.
Dinner turned out great – it has been a long time since I’ve had the chance to eat mom’s tacos. The beans were especially good, with some chipotle peppers floating around in there for flavor. I went to bed with a full stomach – it was excellent.
July 24, 2004I had the same problem trying to describe the sinks to someone else. So I went all out and did some public restroom photography:
July 24, 2004Cool – thanks. Those are some interesting sinks…