Health Re-check, The Gods Must Be Hammered

Just before I left for my trip to America I had a standard health checkup as required by my school. Everything was fine, but there was a weird result in my urine test. They wanted me to check it again when I got back, so today I went with Mr. Hayashi to a doctor that he recommended.

Health care in Japan is a little different. It seems like you can choose any doctor you want, and just walk in. We sat in the lobby and after about 30 minutes they asked me to come in a pee in the cup. They checked it right in the office, and it came back fine. The doctor offered to do a blood check for about 2000 yen – what a deal. I went ahead and gave some blood for them to check. Thursday I will go back and get the results. I’m not expecting anything crazy, but you never know.

After the medical stuff was taken care of I went back home, stopping in a Carrefour on the way to pick up some meat for dinner.

I had invited Struan over a couple of weeks back, and then Antoine came back from America, so I invited him too. They came over and we had a great time drinking beer and wine. I kept the grill busy – we had pork steaks with a pineapple honey pepper glaze, and then we had lots of sausages, and a platter of thinly sliced steak. I also made some weird rice with chicken chipotle bouillon that my mom sent me a while back. I also served up some mixed vegetables that I had found in Carrefour. We went through a couple bottles of wine, a Chilean cabernet sauvignon and an Australian Shiraz Cabernet that Struan brought along.

It was good times, and while I was quite busy cooking I was also quite busy drinking. By the end of the night we were all a little drunk. It’s been a long time since I’ve been buzzing like that – wow. During all the fun a lady called that I had been trying to contact about doing some Japanese study. We tried to work through the conversation with Antoine and Struan talking loudly in the background – she must have had one hell of a first impression of me. She did agree to meet me on Monday, so that’s good.

Antoine and Struan left around 10 p.m., and I did a few dishes and then went right to bed. What a night.

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