The Difference Between A Flesh Eating Disease And A Sore Throat Is Sometimes A Fine Line

I was on the train to work this morning nursing the beginnings of a sore throat and I had the very strong wish that Kuniko was there sitting next to me. When we ride the train together sometimes she kind of leans against me and rests her head on my shoulder. Unfortunately she was already at work far away in Osaka, and so I was left with the hung over salarymen, whose heads I don’t want anywhere near my shoulder.

I arrived at school without my umbrella after carefully observing the weather forecast, and an hour after school started it began to pour rain. Cats and dogs. Luckily it finished by the time I left, so I didn’t need the umbrella. It really pays to check the weather forecast every morning. The have the day cut into 3 hour increments, so it’s easy to see when the rain will move in and out.

Today was a busy day, three first year lessons. It’s the “I Love Bryan” crowd on Monday and I contend with around five flirting girls over three classes. At least they pay attention.


Towards the end of the day my sore throat really started feeling worse. When I run my tongue around the back of my mouth it feels rough, like there are blisters or something back there. When I swallow it kind of hurts, and when I took a look in the mirror there were areas that had turned white and looked like canker sores. Yuck!


I decided to cancel my after school lesson with Tsuji-san. I walked over and told her, and she agreed it was best to go home and rest. She did get me some omiyage from her trip to Hokkaido. It was a KitKat – melon flavor! It’s only sold in Hokkaido. Did you know they have lots of different flavors of KitKat here? Lemon Cheesecake, Strawberry, and Vanilla? Oh yeah.

Back home I gargled several glasses of hot saltwater, and took a few aspirin. For dinner I cooked up a spicy kimchee yakisoba, with garlic and mushrooms. After dinner I felt better, and I’m hoping that tomorrow morning that feeling will continue.

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