Donburako – Donburako

I spent most of Saturday resting at home, watching movies, and studying Japanese. I had some supplies to keep me going at home, so I didn’t need to go out at all.

In the evening Kuniko called when she got home from work, and I invited her to come over. She made the long train trip because she was planning on visiting her father in the hospital on Sunday. She risked getting sick to come visit me – what a woman!

Before she arrived the guys from the yakitori called up and wanted me to come down and drink with them. I explained that not only am I sick, but I was waiting for the girl of my dreams to show up. They understood, but I got another phone call from another one of the guys about 30 minutes later asking me to come. They are all great guys – I wish I could have been there.

Kuniko arrived while it was pouring rain outside, and she was carrying loads of food and fruits and snacks for me. I had been curled up reading the story of 桃太郎, about a boy born from a peach who kills demons. Kuniko was nice enough to help me with some of the stranger concepts in the story. What’s the sound a peach makes when it rolls? It’s “donburako-donburako”. Try looking that up in a dictionary.

We went to bed fairly early as Kuniko was tired from her day at work and I was tired from being sick. It was nice to fall asleep with the sound of rain outside.

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