You Want To Do What To My Sister?

I had a goofy combination of interview test classes, and one strange one with Mr. Hayashi.

The interview tests went just fine. At the end we played a game where I call at a word, and then two students at the front of the board try to be the first to circle the correct one from four choices. At first I had boys versus girls, but the girls were always too shy and wouldn’t try too hard. Now I play it with mixed teams, and so the boys play against each other and so do the girls. They really get into it, sometimes pushing the other kid out of the way to draw a circle.

Sometimes I wonder when an activity goes too far. Will the teacher tell me to stop it? A couple of weeks ago a kid got punched in the back during a skit (on purpose, but still…) and today was pretty rough. We’ll just have to see how far it will go.

Mr. Hayashi’s class was weird – the students were full of energy, and they asked lots of questions. Mr. Hayashi had the great idea to give them the answers to all the questions beforehand. Then they were encouraged as they got everything right. Call it an “alternative teaching method”.

One of the fill in the blanks was “I want to ( ) your sister.” I was waiting for the crude jokes to start, but not one was mentioned – it turns out that I was the only one thinking rude things. Figures. Turns out the correct answer was “I want to make friends with your sister.”

I made a semi-homemade pizza for dinner, and spent most of the evening catching up the website. Kuniko called and I got a chance to chat with her. Now I’m off to bed. Tomorrow is another busy day at school with more skits. I hope nobody gets injured.

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