Qoo and Guinness

I’ve been settling into a routine of going in to work this week, staying for a few hours, and then heading home. The rest of the time I spend hanging out around the house. I go into work for a couple hours in the middle of the day, so that kind of limits my options for traveling about.

One disturbing thing I’ve found is that I can’t find a good local bar to visit. The problem is that although many places look like bars, I can’t be sure. A couple of times I’ve gone into places, and about fifteen people turn around and stare at me… it turns out that it’s a store or a restaurant. Once I went into a place, and the owner kind of freaked out. She said that she was closed, even though the signs on the outside said that they were open for several more hours.

My internet connection is in the works, but I’m not sure how progress is going. There are all kinds of hurdles to jump. Fortunately, they have a website where you can check your progress. Unfortunately, it’s all in Japanese. I’ve enlisted the help of one of the neighbors, and he’s being very patient with the process. I’m antsy to get it going!

Today I stopped by the shaved ice stand, and not only did I get shaved ice, but an iced tea, and three big chunks of watermelon, which is very expensive around here. I’ve got to think of something to give back to the shaved ice lady – it seems like everyone is so friendly here once they get to know you.

Last night I broke one of my rules, never drink with English girls. Melanie came down from her apartment upstairs, and we had a couple of the Guinness I found at a store in Befu. She talked me into changing my plans on Saturday. Originally I was going to Kobe to explore the town a little bit, but she and some of her UK girlfriends are going to Himeji castle to explore there. She insisted that I go along, and so it looks like I’ll be drinking with a bunch of English girls. The rule is way beyond broken. I did manage to avoid going to Akashi with them tonight – I’m an old man and I have an image to maintain!

I have a continued affinity for white, cloudy beverages. I’ve discovered yogurt flavored Qoo. It is a kids drink, I think, that has yogurt suspended in a sweet non-carbonated soda. It’s really good, and it makes a nice after dinner drink. Yogurt flavored Qoo. I’m still a Calpis fan, another white cloudy beverage, but without suspended yogurt solids inside. I’ll keep you posted on other Japanese products as I discover them.

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