What A Weekend

I’m back from a busy weekend of rest, recovery, and recuperation. I went back to school today with a full slate of classes, and it was pretty tough to hang in there. I did OK, and got to leave early to spend some time with Kuniko before she had to head home to Osaka.

We had a guest speaker today at school, Mr. Hayashi’s friend Carol, who also helps out with the STEP test interviews. I guess there is some money in the budget for guest speakers during the year, and Mr. Hayashi likes to throw it her way to help buff up her resume.

I don’t think he told her much about what to do or bring, so she brought a lot of things. She helped us out in a couple of classes, but it didn’t go so well. She’s used to teaching at the college level, and even for high schools our students’ English level isn’t so high.

She couldn’t believe how Mr. Hayashi was letting them run out of control, something that I’m used to by now. She would say something in English, and Mr. Hayashi would translate it – there was no real effort to figure it out on their own. To me it was a waste of everyone’s time, but of course I didn’t mention it.

Carol also looked pretty uncomfortable up there, and looked like she was not happy doing what she was doing. Imagine doing that for fifteen years! Will I be burned out like that fifteen years from now? Yikes!

I cut out of school early and came home. Kuniko had the place cleaned up and looking great. We went over to Ito Yokado to do some shopping, and then we made some spaghetti carbonara and a caesar salad for dinner. Since it was Valentine’s Day we exchanged chocolates… she got me some really unusual ones with artwork on them. Really cool – I hate to eat them, but I will.

For dessert we had chocolate fondue – it was excellent. We dipped in pineapple, banana, strawberries, and melon bread (like a slightly melon flavored donut). I’m a big fan of fondue.

Kuniko just went back home, and now I’m getting ready for another busy day tomorrow. If I can squeak through tomorrow the rest of the week should be a piece of cake.

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