Indian Food In Kobe

Today we bagged out of work early and went for Indian food in Kobe. Mr. Hayashi drove Miss Kageyama and myself all the way out to Kobe, and then treated us to a big Indian lunch. The food was fantastic, probably the best Indian food I’ve had anywhere. The weather was rainy on the way into Kobe, but once we were there, it was just fine.

After a big lunch we drove around Kobe a bit to see the sights, and then they took me home. Not exactly the toughest day I’ve ever worked, but I’m not complaining. Mr. Hayashi’s weakness seems to be expensive restaurants, and he sees me as an opportunity to share what he has learned. So far, I’m having a great time enjoying all this interesting food. Other JETs I’ve talked to haven’t had nearly as much opportunity to try new things, and are really left to fend for themselves. I’m pretty lucky that my master teacher is taking care of me like this!

The rest of the day I spent organizing my thoughts for my speech on Friday, and doing some Japanese language study. Dinner tonight was a bit of an experiment – Coconut Milk Curry over noodles with spicy tofu. It turned out OK, but the sauce was a bit runny – my cooking continues to be an experiment in progress.

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