Lunchtime Conversation

It felt like Friday today because it was the last day of school before exams. I had just a couple of classes, and all the students were looking past my lesson to the midterm tests. I managed to catch their attention and keep them focused on the task at hand, though.

Today for some reason I spent a lot of time speaking with students. I had lunch in the remodeled cafeteria, and two third year boys came over and ate lunch with me. We chatted for the lunch period almost entirely in English. I could tell the boys were stoked just to be having the conversation, and they were looking pretty good for all the girls in cafeteria.

I met with Mori sensei to talk about the end of the term, and what exactly we’ll be doing. She’s giving me a lot more control over what happens. It may be because she got a taste of letting me do it and she realized how much easier it is on her. That’s fine by me…

I made philly cheesesteaks for dinner tonight, and they were messy but delicious. Kuniko is back and we’re doing a little brain training before we hit the sack tonight. Tomorrow is the start of exams at my school, so no classes for me. I’m going to head into Himeji after work and try to get my driver’s license translated, and maybe soon I’ll try to get a Japanese driver’s license. It’s a very complicated procedure – it takes most Americans several attempts to get it.

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