One For The Ladies

Today was my first day back after so much time off to take care of my visa. Everyone acted like I had been gone for weeks, but I think that it was a way to emphasize that they were there working while I was out enjoying myself. That’s OK, I don’t mind.

My first class was during first period, and it was a real challenge to rouse the students and get them active. They responded eventually, but it was tough. They are just coming off four days of exams, so they weren’t really into things.

The middle of the day was mostly free, so I prepared for some upcoming lessons, did a tiny bit of studying, and ran to the post office to mail some things.

My afternoon class went much better than the morning one. The students in this class have a lot more interest in what is happening, and the girl students especially were focused on every word I said. After the class ended, one student came up to me and asked me if I spoke Japanese. I lied and said no, so she worked it out in her brain for a second, and then told me that she really thought I would like what she wrote in her journal. Yamamoto sensei asked her if she meant that she thought she did a good job, and she said no – she just thought that I would like it.

Later when I was marking the homework, I read the journal in question. She did a pretty good job with her English, not great, but the ending was cute. She said that she had missed her friends during the long holidays, but what she missed most was Mr. Bryan. She said that she really enjoys my class.

At the end of the day I had an ESS meeting, and only four students attended. Two first year students came, which is pretty rare, so I spent most of my time talking with them. They were game for conversation, and we talked about all kinds of things. One of them was getting really into it, maybe a little too much, but in the end much English was spoken and we had worked some plans out for the upcoming culture festival.

I met up with Kuniko in Ito Yokado on my way home, and together we shopped for dinner and then came back here. I told her about the girls at school and she just laughed. Anything that gets them speaking English is probably a good thing, and I guess that it the best way to look at it.

We had cold chinese noodles with ham, egg and cucumber in a vinegar sauce tonight – Kuniko cooked up a great meal. Now we’re off to bed. The week is already half over! It’ll be the weekend before we know it…

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