I think this year I have had a chance to talk to more students than the last two years combined. The first year I was here I was a little shy about talking to the students – and they were really shy about talking to me. Now I’m settled in and everybody just expects to see me, and they are comfortable chatting any time. Bad timing to leave the school – somebody else will have to build this all up from scratch. But that person will bring new ideas and new life to the position – maybe that is a good thing.
I taught two classes today, and I spent an hour with Miyake sensei working on her listening comprehension. Between classes I went shopping in town for some teaching supplies, and ate the bento lunch that Kuniko had prepared. It was a big one – so delicious!
I got my studying quota done today, but just barely. By the time I left at 4:30 things were calming down at the school, and I am all set for Friday’s lessons.
I went over to Tsuji-san’s place and spent time chatting with her. She is getting really nervous/frustrated about the upcoming wedding. Mainly it is all the Japanese traditions that she is stuck obeying. Her fiancee’s family are really traditional, and her father is fairly traditional as well, so she is kind of stuck doing things she has no interest in. The one thing that she is enjoying is planning her honeymoon in Spain. She has spent lots of time there in the past, so it will be a good chance to see old friends and introduce her husband to a part of her life.
I tried to give Tsuji-san some encouragement – once the wedding is over things will settle down, and it will all be just a happy memory. It’s easy for me to say that now, but from her perspective, it is a long way off.
We compared the information on our flights and destinations – and the more I look at our trip the more I think we are trying to do too much in too short a time. I’ll spend some time this weekend looking at our options. I don’t want to be rushing around all the time, I want to be eating and drinking and taking pictures all the time.
Kuniko expected to get home late tonight, so I’m just hanging out. I’ve got a healthy dinner on deck, tofu with ponzu sauce and sauteed bean sprouts. More later!