This morning I had to watch a pervert at work on the train, but despite that I had a pretty good day. The pervert is always on this train, and although I wasn’t exactly sure that he was a pervert before, I’m convinced now.
He was sitting a few seats away from me, and suddenly he got up and walked down the length of the train car to sit next to a sleeping woman who was nodding off on her way to work. I watched carefully, ready to go over there and catch him in the act. The guy looked around casually, and then started looking carefully at the sleeping woman. He tried to look down her shirt, and kept watching her from various angles. Right about then my stomach was turning, but there wasn’t much to do. I kept a close eye on the guy, and the guy next to me was watching carefully, too. I had to get off soon afterwards, but hopefully that guy was keeping track of what was going on.
My day at school was pretty uneventful. I spent a lot of time talking with students, and I spent some time looking at logistics for the Europe trip. I was lucky enough to get out of work right on time, despite all the madness involving preparations for the upcoming culture festival.
On the way home the train was free of perverts, and I got home with the idea to head over to Carrefour and look for some rubber boots to use during the rice planting on Sunday. I was in luck – I found a pair of size 27 boots that I squeezed into for only 900 yen. I also picked up a few other valuable things and then headed home for dinner. I made up some vegetarian yakisoba that turned out really nicely.
Soon after Yasu came over with omiyage from his trip to Tokyo. We sat and drank beers and talked about his trip, and also our plans for the future. We switched to sho-chu when we ran out of beer, and the conversation turned philosophical. It was fun to hang out, and he stayed until it was time to meet Kuniko at the train station.
Kuniko had been at a long meeting, so she arrived home really late tonight. I feel bad for her because she had to work both days last weekend, and she’s working both days this weekend as well. As soon as we got back we went right to sleep.