I’m Sure You Saw This Coming

I woke up late on Sunday with a slight headache and a giant vibrator next to the bed. Actually, it is a back massager, and this morning we tried it out a little bit. It seems to work pretty well, especially around the shoulders. I think I prefer the manual massage better, however.

This morning we spent time cleaning house, taking long leisurely baths, and doing laundry. Kuniko and I even had time to take a nap in the afternoon for an hour or two. It was nice to rest up after all the fun yesterday.

I talked on the phone with my successor on the JET program, Brenda. She sounds like a nice enough girl. The thing that struck me most was that she sounded so young. She was giddy with excitement, though, and it made me think back to when I was in the stage she is in, about to leave on an unknown adventure. It’s a great time, and I hope she can savor the moment and enjoy it.

Kuniko had to leave for a school party around four. I made some reservations for our Europe rail passes, and spent lots of money on our transportation for the trip. It looks like it will be a lot of fun.

Since Kuniko is gone for dinner I thought I’d make the trip to the yakitori. I haven’t been in a few months, and I want to check in with the gang there. I get the impression that my successor won’t be visiting that kind of place very much.

Tomorrow it is back to work, and I’ve got lots of interview tests to do for the first year students. It’s also somen week – every night, noodles!

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