Friday was the last day of exams, and the last day of a nice string of half days. I am sure that once I get a new job my life will have less of these little perks that I’ve gotten used to. I’ve already mentally noted that 2003-2006 will be remembered as the “Golden Age” of my life.
For now, I’m just trying to enjoy the time as it comes. I spent the morning working with one of the chemistry teachers to make sure that everything is ready for my presentation on Monday.
My listening test was administered to the first year students during second period, and once again I had that weird feeling of hearing my voice being broadcast throughout the school – echoing through the hallways and booming out the windows of the first year classrooms out into the neighborhood. It’s a genuinely weird feeling.
After the exam ended I was stuck with marking them all, so I just sat down and busted through them. It went pretty smoothly, actually, and I got finished and out of school by 1:30.
I spent the afternoon working around the house, doing some moving stuff, and reading a book. Kuniko got home early, so we had a quick meal, and then decided to go over to visit her parents to get some paperwork signed. Although we had eaten dinner, Kuniko’s mom served coffee and crackers and dessert, and we left with very full stomachs.