Off Early

Mr. Hayashi must have been feeling guilty about me working over the weekend. Today, since there were no classes, he let me leave around 10:45 in the morning. I got did some shopping for teaching materials, supplies for home, and a scale to weigh myself.

The scale is pretty funny. It is digital, and on the pad it says in English “Everything under control?” with a picture of a guy looking down at the scale. I think that’s an excellent question for people worried enough about their weight to buy a scale. As for my weight, I weigh 87.2 kilograms, which according to Google is about 192 pounds. I’m not sure what I weighed when I left, but I think it was around 200 pounds. Despite all the beer, great food, and the comparitive rarity of my hikes, I seem to be losing a little weight. I was very surprised.

I also went to the 100 yen store and bought all kinds of little chintzy things – a curry mix that looks extra hot, dried chili peppers, lots of candles, fun stuff like that. Afterwards I made a quick trip to the post office to mail some things off – it has been impossible to get there earlier, since they close promptly when I walk by in the evenings. I picked up 5 kilos of rice at the store, so I’m all stocked up on essentials. Now I’m unpacking everything, and enjoying a rare leisurely afternoon at home.

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