So this is the first post at the new location, and if you are reading this, thanks for following me here. Why the big change?
A long time ago I showed Mr. Komuri a picture on the website – a picture of him from the Hanshin Tigers victory party. Today he remembered that the site was there, and asked me to punch it in so he could look around. I was pretty reluctant to do it, but I couldn’t exactly say “no”. There is nothing bad in there – but I didn’t want everyone in the school to be reading what I was doing when I wasn’t at work.
As soon as he’s got the site on his computer, everybody walks by and says “What a beautiful site”, and they start crowding around. Some of the teachers are writing down the website address, and I’m desperately trying to remember if there is anything that will get me in trouble on the site. Most of the teachers cannot read English well, but still – I was sweating bullets.
After work I came home and made some changes, and to tell you the truth, it is high time that I did. Every time I update the site I have to think about what I can say and what I cannot. The solution turned out to be to have two sites – one for everyone that knows me personally, and one for everyone else.
The old site will have updates, but only three days at a time will show on the page, and there will be no archives to dig through. This site will continue to have almost a week of updates on the page, and the archives will be wide open.
Anyway, thanks for your patience! Today we had our opening ceremony, and the principal made a big speech. It was a pretty long one – one of the students passed out from exhaustion while he was speaking, and that created quite a stir. The teachers took care of it right away, and he was able to walk back with the nurse to get some TLC.
Most of my day was spent preparing lessons for next week. Mr. Hayashi, Mr. Komuri, and Mr. Kimura joined me for lunch at the little cafe next door to the school. Mr. Kimura still looks pretty depressed, and we all tried to cheer him up, but it’s going to take some time for him to feel better. We enjoyed a set lunch, full of some different things to eat. It tasted great – but Mr. Komuri wasn’t too impressed.
Tomorrow is exams for the students, to test that they have studied over the winter break. I’m going to use my free time to finalize lessons and print worksheets for the students.
Tonight I’m off to the ramen place for a gigantic bowl of hot noodles. Miss Kageyama has a fever and so we’re going to put off seeing a movie until later. She really looked sick the other day – I hope that she will feel better soon. I’m going to walk to the noodle place – it’s a decent walk but the hot noodles on the other end will be worth it. Afterwards I’m curling up in my sleeping bag on the couch to try and finishmy book.