Cleaning Up The Place

This morning we had the monthly “clean up around the apartment” drill. We are expected to pitch in once a month and work around the place for an hour. It’s no problem – sometimes it interferes with other plans, but considering the low rent at this place, it’s something I don’t mind dealing with.

Yasu was there so we worked together raking and gathering leaves. Some of the more macho guys were chainsawing tree branches, but it looked a little too much like real work to me. After our hour was up, Yasu invited me up to his place for tea, so we sat around and spoke in English. He had loaned me a DVD, and I found a program on the internet to allow me to play Japanese DVDs on my player.

I’m planning on heading into Kobe to do a short hike on Mt. Rokko today. It’s pretty cold out, so a hike might be just what I need. This weekend is panning out to be a quiet one, so I’m looking forward to the chance to relax a bit and plan some new adventures.

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