A while back I read another book by John Fowles, The Magus, and really enjoyed his writing style and the near-supernatural feeling of the situations. The dialogue of the characters was educated and captivating, and it made me want to read more of his work.
Apparently The Collector was released as his first book, and is seen as a prelude to the psychological thriller genre. Sort of like a 1960’s Silence of the Lambs.
There are two voices in this book, one of the collector and the other of the collected. We see things from two different perspectives, neither of which is clearly good or evil. Although the subject matter is chilling it is not grotesque, and there are themes of classism in Britain and the effect of money on people’s perceived place in society.
I liked the book, and although it wasn’t as mind-bending as The Magus I read through it quickly and was satisfied with how it ended. A good book, and worth a read if only for the intelligence of the writing and the humanizing of what are now often portrayed as prototype good/bad characters.
Next I’m reading Four Seasons in Rome by Anthony Doerr. Hopefully it will satisfy my travel cravings a little bit.