Books: Better Off Dead by Lee Child and Andrew Child

I always like the fast-paced thrillers about Jack Reacher written by Lee Child. Apparently recently he is transitioning the character and stories to his son Andrew. I think I haven’t read any others involving Andrew Child, but for me this book seemed quite different and a bit tough to get through for me.

It starts with a plot gimmick that seemed a bit far-fetched, but starts to settle down a bit into a usual Jack Reacher storyline. The final third of the book seemed to just ratchet up the plot into preposterous levels – I remember actually saying the word “preposterous” out loud several times while reading.

The situation reminded me of the Marvel movies – you can only put the fate of the world (or galaxy) on the line so many times before you have dream up higher stakes. This book doesn’t really have the fate of the galaxy on the line but it can’t be too many books off at this rate.

The reason I like Reacher books is the small scale. The not-so-regular guy passing by who is caught up in something and then sees it through. Hopefully in the future the authors will get back to what makes the character interesting for me.

The next book I’m reading is Zorrie by Laird Hunt.

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