Books: The Spanish Daughter by Lorena Hughes

This book was hard to classify for me – historical fiction, murder mystery, with a bit of bodice-ripping romance thrown in for good measure. I came for the historical fiction part, but for me it was underrepresented.

Set in 1920’s Ecuador on a cacao plantation, there are a lot of interesting things to learn about. How the beans are harvested and processed, how the plantation was integrated into the growing town, and the parts it played in the economy and the lives of the producers – all of this is covered in a few short paragraphs.

The mystery side of the book is a little heavy-handed but entertaining enough. Some of the plot was a little too far-fetched for me, but if you don’t mind sitting back and watching the story play out without overthinking it then it sort of works.

The romance and women vs. men issues are a big part of this book, and it was the least interesting for me. If the balance of this book was a little different, I think I would have enjoyed it a great deal more.

Next I’m reading Textbook Amy Krause Rosenthal, by Amy Krause Rosenthal.

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