Books: Thinking in Bets by Annie Duke

I’m always interested in books that focus on changing the way you think. For one, it gives you more tools to approach problems, and for another it gives more dimensions to your daily reflections.

This book is from the perspective of someone who has an academic background of cognitive psychology, and a professional background of playing poker for high stakes. It certainly is an unusual background, but this book focuses squarely on the thinking side of things.

There were some pretty useful points in here. Some examples that stuck with me: distinguishing between the decisions you make and the outcome of those decisions, not dealing in absolutes (“I’m 60% sure of X”), working within diverse groups to avoid personal biases, and firmly understanding the differences between what you can influence, and what is merely luck (good or bad).

The writing style of this book was a little heavy handed, and often dwelt too much on the real-world examples given. I’d have preferred to get the idea and move on, but there is some repetition here.

Still, not a bad book to refresh the old brain software. I might read more from this author in the future.

Next I’m reading Beasts of a Little Land by Juheah Kim.

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