Weekend Update

This weekend was pretty mellow actually. Saturday I spent my day doing laundry, lounging around the house, doing some pleasure reading, and enjoying my day off. Sunday was a little more fun – Kuniko came over early and we went out to go shopping in Tarumi in preparation for her trip to Okinawa next week.

Originally I had thought that her trip was this week, but it turns out that I was wrong, so she has plenty of time to get organized for the trip.

We did a little shopping in the morning, but by then we were so hungry that we went right over to Tooth Tooth restaurant as soon as it opened at 11 o’clock. Kuniko had the idea of going there because our friend Yasu works there, and sure enough, he was working that day.

He sat us down at the table, gave us some recommendations, and was a really great server. He did most of it in Japanese, but sometimes he snuck in a little English for me. We sat outside with a beautiful view of the Akashi bridge and enjoyed the weather and the food. They had a lunch special with all you can eat bread, so I definitely took advantage of that. I had the salad for lunch, which sounds healthy, but actually it had a fried egg and two strips of bacon on top of a caesar salad dressing. Oh yeah.

We wrapped up our shopping and then went back to my place. While Kuniko was doing her studying, I cooked up a quick dinner made from ready-to-eat ingredients that we had bought at Carrefour. It was sea urchin pasta and beef dipped in a sesame sauce – and it tasted pretty good. I’ve never had sea urchin pasta before.

One bit of sad news, Yamada sensei, a female Japanese teacher at our school, lost her husband on Saturday. Mr. Hayashi called to tell me, and it was really sad to hear. Unfortunately I couldn’t make the service, but I feel really bad for her. Apparently she has no kids, so it’s just her alone now. I guess he was a pretty young guy, actually, so it came as a big shock to everyone.

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